Brand New Product..
A simple little idea has now become another great product we are offering.
It. Started as a trial to make a few videos, brand the Distributers image, create all the s and professional photos, design their face book marketing campaign and have it operating within the four days..
But the bigger win apart from the Marketing and Set up of the business was spending 4 days with
The Company owners in Phuket at their wonderful villa. The results from everyone returning has had the Company Boom a massive 400%...
It has now become a signature M6 Product...
After 10 years with this Company it is great see new idea and updates to keep our businesses current ...
So who wouldn't want a Thailand Trip for 4 days, staying with some of the most Successful Online Marketers in world?
What is worth to have the world best marketer put her eye over your website, fine tune your story and advertisement and help you select the photos which can make you page POP?
The other added advantage is this same Product is now available for businesses outside Online Business are able to have their business branded using the same process.
Digital Marketing is now a key aspect of any business and now we are able to offer this as an extra service to all our new and old customers.
Having a professional team present and record and brand your business early on in your business allow you to start as an Influencer.
One of the biggest challenges for people starting a business is branding themselves as influencers within the Industry.
Our M6 Program allows anyone to skip the steep learning curve and get a head start on their competition. It also gives the new business owner the confidence to build their new business and when people enquiry they don't feel like they are talking to a stranger.
We all know it is a lot easier talking to a hot lead than a cold one. The conversation is easier simply because they feel they have already met you.
You get three video's . One for the branding you personally. One talking about our products and what they have done for you and or your family and the other video is for your website. Each video tells a story that will be brand you as an influencer..
Now that is a quick short to start your new business.
For more information reach out to me today...
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