No Get Rich Quick Business Opportunity
Corona Virus > Aka> K 19.
Well done to the Kiwi's and NewZealand !! Common sense prevails!!
in all circumstances.!!
D.Trump originally regarded K 19 as a joke " seriously!! " This is no joke!
There is no doubt the business world at large will suffer long-term effects, especially tourism and the tourist trade. Hospitality services including, Hotels, Motels,Public houses, Bed and Breakfast's. Air Bed and Breakfast's have become very common, springing up in all countries all over the world. Some businesse's will close because of the new pandemic Corona virus, also known as K.19. Working online at home has become more attractive than ever, and owning an online business like one of my favourite join at no cost Work From Home Opportunities offers, free e-commerce business training, a state-of the art back-office website, an excellent business Forum, State-Of The Art Games selection to tempt the sportsman, quizzical intellectual, brainbox, including : Astro Auctions bidding for fun, Hidden asks ? can you outfox the foxe's, Brain Sprint, pits your wits against other intellectual brainboxes, Grandmaster Poker allows you to play real poker for fun,Zackjack High Low card game , Uber-Picks Sports: Can you pick the winner?, Games,Card King,Gold Streak, Knockout Trivia quiz is awesome, Crystal Ball? can you forecast the future game..
Italy is in total lock-down now, and is well known as the airport corridor to............. China................. who have gotten K19 under control. Neighbouring countrie's Spain and France were slower off the mark. Ireland are now in total lock-down a week since, closing all schools, sports, and sporting events, music, religious, all public and social meetings, including St. Patricks day Parades, all over the country of Ireland. H.S.E.{ Irelands medical service} has top priority testing 24/ 7 365. and self imposed total confinement for the duration. Well done Ireland!!. You will now have a great chance to take stock and decide on an alternative source of income, so you are most welcome to receive my invitation and explore my awesome online money earner. Nothing ventured nothing gained still rings true, millions of satisfied on-line entrepreneur's cannot be wrong, read some testimonials here,: welcome on board my friend: No Get Rich Quick Business Opportunity
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