GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY!! Looking to Build an International Team!
Looking to build an Empire Internationally and you are invited!
Have you ever watched people only earn lots of money and you cannot figure out how and why? That was totally me, a BROKE Entrepreneur trying to save face while sticking and staying in a situation that meant no good for me.
I totally did not have the concepts needed to successful in pretty much nothing I joined because I did not use my WHY and focused solely on the money. I mean, don't get me wrong, we ALL want to EARN money, but I learned the hard way that that could not be my sole purpose.
Joining companies that had a top heavy clique did not help either, OMG I heard "keep praying and stayin"
about a good 100 times, yet, I never got a ring nor a chance to walk that stage...something had to give. So then, my prayers were answered, my friend did something that I will never forget....she introduced me to a unique opportunity that I am DETERMINE to share Globally!
I have a ground floor opportunity that will pay you two ways. Imagine earning money, lots of it while teaching others, learning Forex and having fun while doing it? You will be able to change the direction not only in your life; but of the lives of many.
Our team went from 500 to 61k in a matter of months! We are part of a DEBT FREE company and the pay is weekly. I am looking for go-getters with the same enthusiasm for earning money and helping others like I have. I need self starters that are coachable, teachable, open to new ideas and love social media.
My target and immediate Countries of interests are:
- Sweden
- The Netherlands
- Haiti
- Canada
- New Zealand
- Germany
- Japan
- Ghana
- Philipines
- London
- Switzerland, and
- Ireland
Now, of course I am open to ANY Country with fluent (or at least conversational) to join, the goals are simple:
- Learn how to Trade
- Teach others how to Trade
- Have fun doing it
- Make money
- Be Coachable
If $500-$10k monthly could do ANYTHING for you at this time, you should be in my inbox.
Forget $1 and a dream, trust $99 and a goal, this is what you have been looking for!!!
$15 Affiliate opportunities available too (you would only recruit and not learn trade) and you will be trained so you can be FIERCE!!! for more info
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