Crowd1 with advantage
crowd 1 is an app, through the app crowd 1 is creating what we call a customer base. everything right now is going online.its a business just like any other.whats a business? a business refers to the movement of goods and services. so crowd 1 offers a service and that's why we get paid.
we have 4 packages in crowd 1 namely below;
white package 99 euros
-in white package you get 100 owner rights[50 crowd 1{c1}rewards and 90 binary points.
black package 299 euros
-in black package you get 300 owner rights,150 crowd 1 rewards and 270 binary points.
gold package 799 euros
-in gold package you get 1000 owner rights,500 crowd 1 rewards and 720 binary points.
titanium package 2499 euros
-in titanium package you get 3500 owner rights, 1750 crowd 1 rewards and 2250 binary points.
crowd 1 rewards in our local understanding is like shares.....basically profit sharing that you receive from the company as it makes profits.
we have compesation plans;namely below.
-education package sales bonus.
-matching bonus.
-long-term residual bonus.
-streamline bonus.
after joining you will have a chance to get bonuses, we have residual income, dividends and so on.
first you have binary bonus: this is given after you recruit your first two people on right and left leg, then you will earn a binary bonus ranging from 18 euros to 450 euros.
second we have fear of loss bonus: here you are given 14 days and if you bring 4 people from the day you join crowd 1 up to 14 days you earn 125 euros to 3000 euros. is that not really nice?
we also have something you call matching bonus:here you get paid for each down-line brought by your down-line. each point counts wow.
we also have stream-line bonus [free C1 rewards]every Wednesday: here you get a number of rewards that keeps your shares growing, just for being a crowd 1 member.
-if you join white package and bring 4 people joining with white package you get paid 125 euros
-if you joined with black package and bring 4 people who joins with black package you will get 375 euros
-if you join gold package and bring 4 gold members you get 1000 euros
-if you join with platinim package and bring 4 titanium members you get 3000 euros how amazing
contact me to join
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