Youngevity Nation Opportunity
In Multi-level marketing you always hear people say don't put all your eggs in one basket you should have a multi-stream of income so I did the opposite and put all my eggs in one basket but the difference was this company offered me a multi-stream of income under one roof. Youngevity is a 25 yr. old debt-free global health and wellness company headquartered in Chula Vista California right outside of San Diego, founded by the world renowned Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND a pioneer in biochemical and nutritional research who discovered and formulated the 90 Essential Nutrients he is known world-wide as "The Mineral Doctor". Some of his credits and accomplishments are many but just to share a few Dr. Joel Wallach, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 in science and nutrition for his discovery of the use of trace minerals to prevent catastrophic diseases in newborns. In 2011 the recipient of The Klaus Schwarz Award given to top doctors and scientists this was for his groundbreaking research on Selenium and trace elements with Cystic Fibrosis. Youngevity is the only direct selling company that has qualified FDA Health Claims for our Selenium and Omega 3,6,&9, and because of Dr. Wallach's diligent work in 2018 Selenium was required in all infant formulas this is just one of the many leaderships we have at Youngevity.
I mentioned that Youngevity offers a multi-stream of income opportunities with over two-thousand products along with business services which consist of the following:
Health & Nutrition products - offering all natural plant-based nutrition
Food & Beverage - energy and workout drinks,
Essential Oils - 100% distilled oils
Spa & Beauty - skin & mineral make-up & tools products along with nail products
Fashion (e-commerce) - a variety of stylish fashions for the everyday women
Home & Family - creating treasured memories, nutrition for your garden and pets also products for your home
Jewelry - a variety of different pieces
Business Services - provide various services for business owners and financial funding
Youngevity offers so much more which allows our distributors to focus on the passion of their choice and help their team members to do the same and build a successful business. We provide top of the line training at our Youngevity University, marketing, incentives, team leaders, reward program, corporate services and customer service care. At Youngevity, you are a part of a family oriented business "one team one dream" to help people get healthy, live younger, longer and educate them on how to live a healthy lifestyle.
Pick your choice and join Youngevity become a distributor or one of our FREE preferred customers if you are interest in being a business builder we provide you with multiple opportunities, all the necessary tools needed, leaders who will help you grow your business to the level you desire as an entrepreneur along with a uni-level compensation plan that pays you ten different ways.
Monthly residual
Fast start bonus
Quick start bonus
Monthly car bonus ($300-2000)
Coding bonus
Ranks & residual
Retail profits
Infinity Bonus
Product Sales
Global Revenue Share bonus
For those distributors who pursue our health program you can take that to the next level and become a certified wholistic health coach by subscribing to our health evaluation which is a small monthly fee of $9.95 or yearly fee $99 which is the requirement to take the course pass the test and receive your certification.
Join us at Youngevity on our world-wide mission sharing a universal message that "health is wealth", become the CEO of your own business, create your own hours, and the income that you desire I am ready to help you build a successful business by learning what your WHY is.
"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care".
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