Enough of Donating Thousands To The IRS Annually…
Enough of Donating Thousands To The IRS Annually…
Over the years, I’ve seen a lot of self-employed, home-based business owners, and network marketers alike, miss out on HUGE money that went to the IRS instead of filing their wallets….
According to an article in Forbes, an estimated 93% of the self-employed overpay their taxes annually.
You would think that it’s only the newbies making this mistake, but noooooo, I’ve found that some of the most seasoned networkers and self-employed overpay their taxes in excess of $10K or more each and every year.
Believe it or not, Taxes represent the number one expense in our personal lives and businesses, and as well, poses a threat to Cashflow. The right strategies will allow you to pay the least amount of taxes allowable by law, regardless of your personal and business situation.
That means an effective Tax Planning / Strategy allows you to control Cashflow, which is an essential ingredient in the recipe to build your business and Create Wealth. Additionally, there are other enemies to your Cashflow and they must be countered and mastered as well; they are Poor Credit, Too Much Debt, and Limited Investment Education. These will also be discussed in some detail.
I’ve read that one of the greatest empires was the British Empire, which comprised of dominions, colonies, protectorates, mandates, and other territories ruled and administered by the United Kingdom.
They stated that by 1922, the British Empire held sway over a population of over 458 million people, one quarter of the world’s population at the time and covered more than 13,000,000 square miles, approximately a quarter of the earth’s total land area.
At it’s peak of power, it was often said, “the sun never sets on the British Empire” because it’s span across the globe ensured that the sun was always shining on at one of its numerous territories.
Whether Ancient Chinese or Egyptian Dynasties, or the Mongol, Persian, Roman, Arabian, or American Empires, it’s a fact that one of their substantial sources of Wealth or Revenue, outside of War, was and remains Taxes.
Today, like in Ancient times, the citizens and business owners must understand the tax system of their ruling/governing body in order to maximize their financial opportunities.
Why you ask…..
Because Taxes directly impact Cashflow, and Cashflow is an essential ingredient in the recipe to create Wealth; Cash – Asset – Cash. A better understanding of Taxes and effective Tax Planning / Strategies are important tools to minimize taxes’ impact on our money.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was the biggest overhaul to the United States Tax Code in decades, and significant changes have been made to the tax deductions that are now available to you and your business. Some deductions were eliminated, others modified, and many simply kept intact.
Because I know that these deductions are the key to thousands of dollars of tax savings and an increase in cashflow, I will be hosting a FREE 5-Day “Save $10K In Taxes” Virtual Bootcamp.
Give me 5 days and you’ll walk away with the knowledge and blueprint to put thousands of dollars back into your pocket……
This FREE Virtual Bootcamp will be held May 18 – May 22, 2020.
Click HERE to save your seat in this bootcamp.
Know Why The Rich Pay Less In Taxes?
Better question is….
Want to know “How You Can Too?”
Not only did Netflix, Amazon, and Chevron all make billions in 2018, and Paid Zero in federal taxes, but in fact, 60 Fortune 500 companies also avoided all federal income tax in that same year.
Why you ask?
Drumroll please….
Because the wealthy Declare War On Taxes!
Now it’s your time to do the same!
Click HERE to register now…..
See you in the bootcamp!
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