Premium Home Party Plan Software for a successful home party MLM business
Epixel Home Party MLM Software is the best platform if you are looking for software to promote and market products or services through social events like the home-based party or other functions.
Epixel supports basic home party functionalities such as create parties, accept party registration, send out invitations, promote parties, etc with great ease and efficiency.
Epixel party plan system offers an effective administration of your party with separate profiles for the different users in the network. They are
- party admin or party manager profile
- party host or party consultant profile
- party guest profile
Pary admin tools consist of every feature and capabilities essential to organize a successful home party.
Member management tools allow admin to manage the consultants in the network efficiently. It includes other innovative functionalities such as automated member renewal to increase customer engagement and retention rate, track and analyze members and their performance in the network, predictive analysis that studies data in real-time and offers strategies, efficient management member database and member sales, etc.
Party event management tools consist of features such as setting up parties, approve parties hosted by the members in the network, identify successful parties, analyze the outcomes and conversion rates of parties, etc.
Product management tools include features and techniques for the efficient management of products and services of the business. It consists of robust inventory management to manage stocks and orders, blockchain-based tracking system for enhanced services, demand forecasting based on user interests, order management tools, etc.
Party host or consultant tools has several features and benefits for ensuring a successful organization of a home party. It includes host training programs that provide practice programs for consultants with certification and rewards.
Party guest tools offers several attractive and innovative features that let a guest know details about available parties, nearby parties, party location, party features, rewards and coupons, etc.
Visit Home Party Plan MLM Software here

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