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How Does Herbalife Business Works?


We have:



Earn base 

Marketing plan and levels 

You need:


And members 

*Basically how it works is..*

Its a products and people's business..

You need to sell products to earn points and move up the markting plan.(25% _ up to 50%)

_Each product has points e.g shake has 23.95_

so points ar what one needs to move up wher they start getting paid and get paid more.. 

*So why customers..*

they buy and u *earn points* also u *make profit* 

Because their prices as non members ar higher thn yours whose a member cos u have 25% the difference between u two is your profit 

Say customer wants shake..

Price is 428 but on your acc is 332 ..meaning 96 is your profit on that one shake

You order.. Herbalife takes 332 and when you pay ,u leave ur profit.

*On getting paid per month..*

Thats where you need *members under you.*

So you need also to look for people that want to join..

To join for their own disocunt ooor to do business. 

Cos then When they order..Herbalife calculates a share on each product they order. which is now ur income..

They use the level that you ar and the level your members are _(remember the moving up the marketing plan i talked of tht need points)_

So these levels tht we have ar 

•25% wher you automatically go as a new member 

Then 35% 42% & 50% 

So depending on ur level and members level and what ur member orders so will Herbalife calculate ur income..

Say ur member orders shake..

And you are at 35%

They will calculate like ;

10% _(diff between ur levle 35% and 25% your members level)_ *×* earn base.. _( this is a value of product)_

So its 10%× 334 = 33.2 on tht shake..

Imagine now if u have more people sellinh shakes and other products 

So the bigger the team..the more people ordering and thats ur more money

Thats why u need alot of members who also understands how it works cos then they will be ordering more to move up ..get paid..and all qualifying for vacations etc 

*And your members arent only the ones u have singed up personally..*


Till 3rd generation 

Say you sign up maria.

Maria signs up sara and sara gets in anna.

U will get paid on all 3..




So ur Aim should be to have more of Marias..and u shud aim to grow deeper like till anna..cos thats how u will have more people ordering..

*So its easy.*

•Get customers

•Get members who will be 


•Move up the marketing plan .

It doesnt matter how many members 

Or whay they order or after how long of joining..

Just have a member or members 

Be at higher level then them.

They should order..

Your income will be calculated and gets paid out to you on 14th.

This article was published on 15.07.2020 by Coach Puffy
Author's business opportunity:

Herbalife Nutrition - Nutrition , 29 USD to join

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