Vegetarian Candy Company to support Charity
Hello everyone,
In an effort to support the environmental and anti-poverty work of Prevent Environmental Poverty the not for profit I am a director of, we are creating a new candy company to produce, promote, and sell vegetarian Candies and treats using natural ingredients.
I am making this announcement to see how much interest there is from the MLM community to take up this product and promote it to your networks to make money, eat healthier (even when snacking on great candy) and help support our efforts to reduce poverty and protect our environment.
Around the world there are countries suffering extreme poverty and incredible levels of pollution. Haiti for example, only a few hundred miles from Florida has a population of several million people with over half of them living on less than $5 a day.
In Haiti along with severe poverty they have a huge problem with waste management and the capital city has hundreds of tons of garbage that just isn’t collected on a daily basis because even the government doesn’t have the money to collect it. During storms the rain water comes dow the mountains and washes this garbage directly into the Caribbean Sea. Packaging, bottles, plastics, it all gets washed into the sea.
Problems like deforestation, ocean plastic and disease are made worse by poverty and a lack of economic opportunities. We hope to help solve many of these problems by operating socially responsible businesses like 3 Dads Candy Company that will be directly owned in part by Prevent Environmental Poverty with a portion of the profits going to the not for profit to support efforts around the world to help improve and clean up the environment and reduce the poverty that makes life so hard for so many in need.
Together we can help reduce poverty and the damage to the environment that so often go hand in hand. Together we can improve lives and eat healthier while selling and enjoying high quality great tasting candies made from natural ingredients.
Help us to help solve problems like this by signing up to sell our Great candy for a great cause!
Please connect with me and let me know if you are interested.
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