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"Bizness Mentors Presents" The Path To Success

As I write this article I am thinking about the many conversations I have had about success and how people arrive at what they believe to be a success. See different people have varying degrees of what they think is success.

One thing I do know for certain is that success is not a straight line that you follow. Like a map that is drawn out for you.

Success has many twist and turns. Along with many ups and downs.

There will be times when you think "Yes" I figured it out! And then, just when you think you have, boom! here comes a twist or a turn that will test your endurance. It will make you question what you thought you just accomplished. Never let those twist and turns cause you to feel defeated. Due to the fact that why they appear is to strengthen you for the new twist and turn and ups and downs that will and I promise you they will come again.

With each one, you gain more and more knowledge. You become wiser to things that work and don't. You are better able to map out your success based on all the twist and turns and ups and downs that you have overcome. There have been many times that I was in such deep despair that I felt I would never see the light ever again. A funny thing happens, it did get better.

And afterward I had to stop and say to myself, now why did you fret so terribly? You know nothing ever stays the same.

I always remember what someone once said to me: When you're at your lowest point there is no other way to go but up!

It's just a matter of switching that defeaters mindset and telling yourself you are a winner, not a quitter.

We are all winners in reality. It's only when we listen to the lies that are creeping in our minds that tell us we are losers.

Those very lies are what holds so many of us back from accomplishing many great things in our life.

I would like to touch on some of the lies that hold us back in life. Family history: things parents tells us as growing up. Like you'll never amount to anything. you're worthless. I had my own father tell me once that the best part of me ran down his leg.

When you're a child you really don't comprehend what that truly meant, but it is something that sticks in my memory.

And so as you get older that lie replays in your head and you understand what he meant. But as you are brought up with that kind of guide ness you form an opinion of yourself as worthless.

With that lie comes others, from your associations with friends.

Even in the workplace you can be filled with lies that you're not good enough. It's a constant battle to overcome these lies

and set yourself apart from them and take a deep look at who you truly are. I have always believed that I was better than people said I was. There was this quite voice that reassured me that I was worthy and had a lot to offer the world.

I spent a lot of years setting out to prove others wrong about me. I think part of that is why I am so determined. I try to be very organized. I research everything so's not to do or make the wrong decisions. It has in some respects made me what people like to label me a Perfectionist to a fault.

And maybe I need to take a slower, easier way about how a go forward with my accomplishments.

One thing for sure, and I know I will never change in that regard, my deep seeded desire to help others. I enjoy seeing people happy. Maybe because no one did that for me when I was growing up. Or maybe because I have seen so much sadness and despair in the world around me. I just know that I am willing to do whatever it takes to see others have great success in their life.

And for me, that would mean my success. And is how I personally define success.

Helping others to achieve success.

So with that all said, that is what Bizness Mentors is really all about. Helping as many people achieves success through our ability to teach others what we have learned along the way. This group of people associated with Bizness Mentors comes from all walks of life and talents. We all have something to bring to the table. It's not about just one person but all of us as a whole.

Together with all our talents and abilities is why we are as successful as we are at helping people.

We have been there done that and turned around and did it all over again in order to gain the knowledge and wisdom

that it takes to show you there are better ways of doing things and better ways of getting to where you want to be,

Don't get me wrong here we are still learning. learning never stops. it's a life journey until we take our last breath.

But with the will and determination, we will stand strong and do what we must to teach and guide those who are so desperately seeking out someone to help and show them the way. The right ways.

We Are Bizness Mentos Let us help you to success.

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and always able to get on Skype for a one on one with you...

or _deborah.chezem


This article was published on 02.06.2016 by Deborah Chezem
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