Tupperware... an opportunity to change lives.
Hello! My name is Nicole Herrera and I am so thrilled to share my journey with you. I have always been goal driven and find myself seeking interactions with others with the drive, determination and willingness to be their best! I am a full time mom, wife and registered nurse at local elementary school. My kids are 14 and 19...yes... a college kid!
I began my journey in Tupperware in May of 2020, thinking it would be a part time hobby since the pandemic had shut down schools and I needed something to do. I ran a few parties, and almost immediately ranked to manager. The parties kept coming, the ranks continued, the bonuses, commissions, I mean - WHOA! I flew through the confidence start program within 6 weeks (13 weeks is the limit). I was earning so much Tupperware, becoming way more confident in my social skills, and knocking out credit card debt that had accumulated though a nasty divorce years earlier, like crazy. No way am I letting this opportunity just stay a "hobby". I find myself seeking to help change other's lives with the Tupperware opportunity.
Positivity and Self Esteem... let's just say, I needed this team of consultants, managers, directors, who are now considered my family. We boost each other up, encourage and challenge one another - because let's face it...the world can be a "Not So Nice Place". My husband almost instantly noticed a more outgoing, smiling, and confident ME! Plus the weight of debt was being lifted...that in itself is a WIN!
I would love to help you find your confidence, your smile and new "family" when you join our team. If it's online parties, working as little or as much as you'd like, working your business in the nooks and crannies of your day, earning a real paycheck while still being present for your family...then I encourage you to contact me. It cost as little as $15 to join and you can earn that back and then some from your first party (which I would run for you).
Not interested in joining my team to sale? Maybe you just want that Personal Shopper Discount! How about signing up as a PS for only $15 and get 25% off every single purchase for a year!! Still skeptical, lets chat... we can totally find the right fit for you.
What about hosting a party and earning FREE Tupperware... I can help with that as well. No strings attached. I create the event for you, you simply invite your friends. I do all the work, you get all the rewards. WHO DOESN'T LOVE THAT?
This company is so generous with it's rewards and I love giving away free gifts as well.
Lets get to know one another, chat a bit about what works best for you. I am eager to help you in any way!
Thanks for your time, interest, and look forward to hearing from you.No comments yet