How the Success story of a great friend motivated me start an AIOP Business.
And today, I am a happier person.
Before, I used to lay around, complaining of everything, why most things do not work for me, seeing everyone, or everything being the problem except me.
I guess, there are many out there, even you that would resonate with me. But then, my eyes grew wider, when I read the story of a friend I met casually. It actually led me to starting an AIOP Affiliate business, which today is the best decision I ever made to change my life.
Here is his story in his own words:
“I got in the mood to toss out some reading material, enjoy ;)
I’ve been reading ALOT lately on how people want to make money online, BUT they do not want to have to 'pay to work'. I am sure you have all heard that before AND OR felt the same way.
Here’s my take on the phrase based off MY first job.
When I applied for my first job my future boss said to me "you’re going to need black shoes, black pants and a reliable source of transportation" or you can’t work here, do you want the job?
YES! I replied.
So, the very next day, I spent $40 dollars on shoes, $30 dollars on pants and bought 30 bus tickets to get back and forth for a couple weeks. The next thing I did was picture all the stuff I was going to buy, because, in my head, I was going to work harder than everyone else, get paid more than everyone else AND increase my hours from 15 to 30 to 45 or more if I could.
This was an $8 an hour pizza cook position at the local Pizzeria
Within 2 months, I picked up a second job at another one of their franchise locations, where I learned to wait on tables. Within the next 6 months, I picked up a second waiter position at a 3rd franchised store in another city, and then the very next month, I was part time shift manager at a 4th location. Wao!
By the end of my first year working, I was actually pimped out to 6 franchise locations spread across two huge cities. I spent 10 years with the company, I won countless awards, took close to 100 shift manager, restaurant manager and franchise management training courses as well as worked all over the country.
Add up the countless 50-hour work weeks spanned over 10 years, add up 10 years of the highest raises and bonuses that were possible to receive because my work ethic was through the roof, add up all the knowledge from the courses and hands on experience that I was given ALL BECAUSE I SAID “YES” and paid money so that I could work.
I’m even still paying money to work today, my marketers cost money, my campaigns cost money, my employees cost money, my autopilot income costs money to keep going and if, I was to stop paying to work I would be broke in a month ;)
Now, let’s flip the and pretend I was one of those people who didn't want to pay to work:
My future boss says to me "you’re going to need black shoes, black pants and a reliable source of transportation" or you can’t work here, do you want the job?
HELL NO, I’m not supporting Walmart just so you can tell me what I need to do in order to make money, fringing scammers...
Pretty stupid eh?
Well, everybody pays money to work no matter what, you need transportation, you need lunch, you need cloths, you need haircuts, you need glasses, you need dozens and dozens of things for the privilege of holding onto that precious position and they ALL cost money.
Then to top it all off 'you got to work hard' OR you’re going to get your hours cut then eventually fired.
That’s OFFLINE. When you work ONLINE, all you got to do is pay a slice of what the real world would cost you in order to maintain a business/income that solely depends on YOUR work ethic. People who don't want to pay to work are the people who have flat out given up, they know they have no drive so they don't want to waste money on 'themselves'.
So, if you are trying to recruit for something or make referral sales for a business and hear someone online utter the words 'I don't want to have to pay to work' or I have no time, just leave that person in the dust, they are a cancer in the workplace and will only contaminate your way of thinking as well as everyone else's.
I've dealt with people like this in real life as well as ONLINE. I’ve only ever achieved success by distancing myself from them and focusing on task and goal-oriented individuals who are willing to do what it takes to get ahead.
Even slow going is better than NO going, but you will still want to go in order to get somewhere right?
One thing that you must also know is that, any business has a business cost, else you have no business. Nevertheless, when a business gets to a self-sustaining level, you do not see the business cost anymore, so, you can as well consider running such a business for free, or without a business cost.
But you have to start first, and starting involves some costs.
That’s my take on paying to work ;)
And now you know why I started my AIOP business, fortunately, I did not have to pay to work, but blessed to start for free, leveraging already existing business building tools and services, put in place by a Company called All In One Profits (AIOP). But I still had to work hard though – doing just this one thing .
All in one Profits is an Industry Leading Provider of trendsetting Business Building Tools and Services for the price of a pizza. So, if you love pizza, skipping one pizza per month can get you in business.
Many rely on all these tools and services to build successfully business. All In One Profits also has an amazing affiliate program that puts money into your hands quick and gives the opportunity for the continuous use of the AIOP Tools and Services for FREE.
If you are interested to learn how to, or do just one thing that would not take you up to 5 -10 minutes daily,
I can show you a realistic Plan to go from $0.00 to $40.000 per Month in just 12 Months from the comfort
of your Home, leveraging the tools and services AIOP has put in place.
All you will have to do is “JUST ONE THING”. Only serious people please.
Get details here and connect with me, if you wish.
Thanks for reading.
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