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Business Building Strategies - Part 2

Recapping my previous message, I basically teach three business building strategies.

  •     Advertising Strategies... both free and paid.
  •     Social Media Marketing Strategies... done the right way... NO SPAMMING!
  •     Attraction Marketing Strategies... bring potential team members to you like a magnet.

(I discussed Advertising Strategies in my previous email message. If you missed it, drop me an email and I'll get it to you.)

In this series of discussions I am breaking these strategies down and explain exactly what each one is... and is not.


I want to encourage you to pick one strategy to focus on. Once you have perfected one method then you can move forward and add another marketing method to your business building arsenal.

If you try to do more than one at a time you will most likely NOT experience the success you are looking for at any of them.

Here is the criteria I will be discussing about each marketing strategy...

  •     Overview of the marketing strategy
  •     Skill sets needed for success with that particular method
  •     Investment needed for success (both money and time)

OK, today we are going to get started with the second strategy...

Social Media Marketing Strategies

First of all, I will be addressing this strategy toward marketing on Facebook, but the ideas I am explaining are essentially the same on all Social Media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, Linked In... and all the rest.

When promoting their business on Social media, many marketers, if not most, go about this in the wrong way entirely.

Their upline tells them to post images of their products, company logos, and such with their affiliate links.

In the long run this doesn't really work, for three reasons.

  1. It is against Facebook's policies... you don't want to end up in "Facebook Jail" and get locked out of your account!
  2. It alienates families and friends... they don't really want to see your ads on their Facebook wall over and over and over again. It's pretty easy to click that "unfriend" button.
  3. Ask yourself this... who are you really promoting when you follow this strategy? Your company, right? You want to be promoting yourself. Prospects join YOU, not your company.

Rethink Your Social Media Strategy

Here's the number one rule... STOP Spamming!

Don't post those product ads and such... instead, post information and questions that engage your audience and draw them into conversations with you. Give away free gifts like my "Home Business Evaluation Guide"

In you are in the travel industry, post photos of the exotic places they can go on vacation with a caption like, "Ask me how you can book your next vacation here for just $295 for the whole week". Get them to ask you questions about your business.

Don't put your company name or logo on your Facebook page... and by all means, don't post any affiliate links on your timeline or wall.

Here are a couple of great training resources for you...

This one's a free Facebook training webinar: FaceBook - Get Free Social Media Leads

This training costs a dollar:  Go For Yes on Social Challenge

Skills Needed for Success - Engaging Your Audience

If you are doing Social Media the right way, you are meeting new people and building a trust relationship with them.

Get to know them and trust you first... then offer them your business. Both of the trainings I listed above teach this... I recommend them very Highly.

If you make it a point to meet just a couple of new people each day and enter into real conversation with them, developing that trust relationship, opportunities to share your business will just come naturally.

A totally different approach...

Investment Needed for Success

The greatest thing about Social Media marketing is this... it costs YOU nothing! Zilch! Nada!

Of course, there is an investment of time... that goes without saying. But if you invest your time in helping other people, you will build an army of dedicated followers of YOU!

I encourage you once again to check out those trainings I listed above... very important!

In part 3 of this discussion we will look at an overview of Attraction Marketing Strategies which work hand in hand with the Social Media Marketing Strategies we discussed today.

See you then...

Greg Ray - Platinum Team Leader

Greg Ray
Platinum Team Leader

This article was published on 07.03.2020 by Greg Ray
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