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"Better Life, Better Future" is a phrase that means so much. This phrase is the motto of a 33 year old manufacturing company that has helped people from all walks of life to achieve healthy living and financial freedom. In this time and age, everyone is concerned about their health. You might have heard the saying "Health is Wealth;" this saying rings true to everyone. When we are healthy both physically, mentally and emotionally then we would enjoy life. No one can enjoy life without good health. When one has all the money in the world but has no good health, it amounts to nothing. As the saying goes, "Money can't buy Life." To achieve proper financial independence means we have the good health to enjoy it.

Longrich International offers that to its partners. It gives a chance to change your brand and use Longrich's amazing product while building a financially independent system/business. These products are of high quality and they range from baby care to women care products, household products, Hi-tech products, Natural supplements, Cosmetics, etc. By switching to this brand, you have quality products that helps take care of existing health problems which leads to better health and quality life. Financial freedom is achieved by partnering with Longrich and recommending the products and the company. The company rewards it's partners with a percentage of the profits made on products purchased by you and those you recommend/refer paid into your personal bank account every week. They have made significant investments in different countries to allow locals (you and I) to be shareholders (directors) in Longrich business of their home country while getting a percentage of sales abroad. Residual income is the best thing any person would want to achieve. Residual income is another form of passive income. This is an income that we are not directly involved in obtaining. Residual is in the sense that you get a residue of the income which when it is accumulated becomes huge. It is the opposite of active income- an income you must be there to earn. You don't show up, you don't get paid. This is why those who want financial freedom or independence, those who desire to work from home focus their efforts on creating a residual or passive income. One of the richest men who ever lived, John D. Rockefeller, once said (and it has been recycled many times), "I rather use 1% of 100 people's efforts than use 100% of my effort." That thought was the watchword of the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, and we know how that turned out.

In Longrich, there are no hiding charges or fees, there are no pressure, no monthly purchases and there is a team of seasoned entrepreneurs and network marketing professionals ever ready to help customers and partners. Members of my team, Global Entrepreneurs, are people from all walks of life and in different countries who are united by one thing- using the platform of Longrich International to help people to achieve financial freedom/independence. 

When I became a partner with this company, I took time to study the company and its products. I used myself and people in my family with different issues to try out its claims and I found out that all its products are multi-effect, that is, they can take care of more-than-one issue. I came to realise in truth that when you take care of yourself and use quality products your health would improve and you would enjoy a stronger life. I didn't worry about my health anymore because I rarely fell sick or ever had the need to take lots of pills as I usually did. My mum's health improved, my sisters' pre-menstrual cramps and sicknesses ceased, my dad's toothache stopped and so on. Then came the financial independence. As I saw those results, I started to refer others and my passive income started. The company devised a plan to compensate partners weekly for life and as I grew in the business my earnings increased. But not as much and as fast as I wanted because the company hated bogus claims about it's products and was not into fat short-term bonuses yet slim long-term payments. I turned my attention to other companies for almost two years but did not achieve the long term gains I was looking for. During that time I spent away, friends and former partners in Longrich had increased their passive/residual income to 6, 7 and 8-figure earnings weekly in the long-term. I was amazed and a little sad but I am happy for them. For six months now, I am back and better using all the experiences (both negative and positive) obtained in other companies and my time away to push Longrich and only Longrich further. With this team I shout it from the rooftop, join Longrich now for a Better Life and Better Future.

This article was published on 07.01.2019 by Ikenna Henry Uzochukwu
Author's business opportunity:

Longrich International Ltd - Natural remedies,, 120 USD to join

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