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Food Supplements explained

If I asked you to go into a Health shop, many of you would be somewhat overwhelmed by the sheer number of different types of products that are on the shelves. If it was to be your very first visit to a Health shop you could probably spend a substantial amount of time asking the shopkeeper the meanings of many of the products that are on show. Sure you will recognise and understand the range of nuts and dried fruits etc. the diabetic chocolate and various slimming fruit drinks. But what about that other section. Yes - the section that has got a whole range of products with funny names on - chemical type names. How long can you spend in that shop finding out what they are all for. Suddenly a couple come into the shop, go straight to that awesome looking shelf that is set up in alphabetical order. They go to the "S" department and buy a bottle of Serrapeptase. What's that for? you wonder. Many of us just glance across such shelves and just walk on because we have little or no knowledge of the benefits associated with the products that are on show. The shopkeeper is now very busy serving customers who all seem to know what they want. It's almost an embarrassment so you smile and walk out of the shop none the wiser.

Wouldn't it be nice if you didn't have to contend with such embarrassment? Better still wouldn't it be much better if you had more knowledge of the benefits associated with all of the food supplements that are available in the UK. Let's start with the basic reason for the existence of food supplements.

From the minute we are born we are growing older. As we age we get to the prime of our lives and if we are perfectly fit we are making best use of our food that turns into energy and we dispel our waste on a regular basis. Time goes by and our replacement of energy giving body production slows down. Our skin is not fed naturally as quickly when we were in our 20s than when we reach 40+. If you pinch your skin when you are 18 it will return to its normal state quickly. Do that when you are 50, the skin returns much more slowly because it has lost its elasticity. The pleasure of the ageing process. You cannot turn the clock back but so many people opt for surgery to make them look younger. The food supplement process, in many ways, can provide a different option to the anti-ageing process. Food supplements are designed to do what it says on the tin. They supplement what your body is currently producing. So if you feel you are lacking in some areas of your bodily function then you could find a food supplement that may well do the job. So, constipation, overweight, low libido,prostate concern,candida, cardio, mental anxieties etc. etc. can all be supported by different food supplements that have got funny names on them. Now this business announcement is not going to provide you with all the information that you deserve. But there is an answer which will save you a lot of time, embarrassment and money. my website which is growing daily with different products, doesn't just give you the names and prices of the products. It gives you an overview of each product spelling out the benefits. There is a section for those who know what they want. You know. Those that can confidently walk into a health shop and get what they want straight off the shelf. You need more than that. I have a section spelling out all the ailments and conditions. You click on the condition and you will then be taken to the product or products that will provide you with the benefit.

OK, let's now get to the bottom line. This website is still in its infancy. I am looking for people to help expand the business. If you are reading this then whilst you are showing some interest in what I am saying to you, you are probably a  member wanting to sell your products or services to other members who  (come on - let's be frank)  also want to sell their products to you and other members. The only way I can really interest you in considering partnering with me is for me to offer you something different that does not interfere with what you are currently doing. Here it is.

No upfront costs. No upline. No downline. No money to collect. FREE postage to any UK postcode address. Commission of a straight 25% paid into your bank account every week. A protected postcoded area. No stock to buy or hold.

Your task? To send people to my site who will then place an order with their delivery address which, if  in your protected postcode area, will  trigger your 25% commission. Here is the link to my site

If you want to work with me then send me your details and convince me enough for me to give you a protected postcode area by emailing me at


Dave Fenton. 

This article was published on 05.07.2019 by Dave Fenton
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