Are you sick to death of automation?
Are you sick to death of automation?
I just quit my job because of it.
Dang truck wants to drive itself, and is making all kinds of beeps, buzzes and dings at me all freakin' day. The worst one makes a loud farting noise from the stereo speakers when the camera tells the computer that I'm too close to the fog line. Funny thing is, it doesn't work most of the time, and when it does it's usually going off for no apparent reason.
It all adds up to a weird form of audio torture that increases my aggravation (and by association, my aggressiveness) on the road.
All these laws about not driving distracted, and then someone thinks it's a great idea to build distraction right into the vehicle.
Anyhoo, the reason this email looks a bit different is because it's plain text.
That means if you've got settings on your phone or computer to adjust text size, font, etc., they'll take over and make this message look the way you want it to.
At least that's the way I understand it. I haven't been able to figure it all out, and as long as I can read my emails on my iPhone, I'm golden.
Here's the thing...
I now get notices on my email provider dashboard (that's where I'm sending this from, not where I get them) in the form of a big pink line. The warning informs me that I have to increase open rates for better email delivery.
Guess what?
Email open rates aren't all that relevant for a lot of reasons, and I'm satisfied with mine. The fact that you're reading this means that you open them at least sometimes, right?
Well, I can't do anything about how my email provider does things, but I don't have to put up with it, either.
Just like quitting my driving gig (which is kind of a bummer, cuz it's good money and not a bad way to get it) I may have to quit my email platform too.
No worries.
There are lots of other ways to pull in some extra cabbage, and a buttload of email providers too.
Automation is great when it does what you want it to, and you're the one making the decisions, but it's not so great when a machine starts telling you what to do.
Remember when you could get water out of a faucet by turning a knob, instead of waving your hands around under the nozzle like you're attempting a new spell in wizard's class at Hogwart's?
The good old days...
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