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How to Instantly Reach Deeper into the Minds of Prospects

As a network marketer you're facing one of the world's most annoying problems.

You need success in order to gain validity for your opportunity, but in order to get that success others are looking at how successful you've been.

How do you gain that initial success? How have others done it?

While there are many ways to get this success, the worst is just to "wait for it". This is the number one cause for failure in network marketing. In fact, waiting at all in network marketing is like signing the death certificate for your business. All the processes of running your business need to happen quickly and all at the same time. If they don't, you'll run out of steam, money, hope, and faith.

To speed up the process, there's a simple, effective, and generally painless way of getting your message out to the world. This method will occasionally drive traffic directly to your open arms, will usually help you close, and will be one of your most valuable tools in building validity.

My team and I call it the "Soapbox Marketing Method". It is as it sounds like it would be. It's you delivering your message to a crowd from a venue that isn't your own.

This method works really well in a few ways.

  • When placed in front of a crowd, if your message is compelling enough, it will attract others to know what you have to say. 
  • When presented or featured by a 3rd party, it sharply and immediately increases your validity. 
  • When prospecting, recruiting, and sorting it helps you demonstrate your reach. 

There are a few ways you can get your "Soapbox Marketing Method" message out. You should choose many of these and do them repeatedly until you find which works best for you and your target market:

  • Webinars 
  • Videos 
  • Interviews 
  • Podcasts 
  • Articles 
  • Write Ups 

While all of these methods are good if you create them yourself, you should instead be looking for others to offer you introduction by presenting your "Intentionally Designed Bio". This 3rd party endorsement will bolster others' faith in you and give you a real fighting chance to persuade them.

For a 30 minute consultation in this method of marketing and to find out how we help others do this through 3rd party endorsements that will benefit YOU, you'll find my preferred methods of contact below. My team and I would be excited to work with you regardless of your experience or success.

Personal Skype: KR.Ramsey

Personal Email:

This article was published on 20.09.2016 by Kevin Ramsey
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Kevin Ramsey If you read the announcement please leave a comment or contact me. Let me know what I can offer that would help you build your business.  8 years ago

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