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Before we get started, I would like to ask you two questions. Is that ok?

You know how most people have a bucket list of things they want to experience, but are really limited to how many things they can tick off due their current budget?

We show you how to tick off those things on your current budget.

You know how most people work really hard but feel like they should be further ahead, to where they currently are?

We want to show you something that will get you ahead, financially speaking.

If the above two questions resonate with you, then we need to talk.

Schedule your Complimenatry 10 minute Lifestyle Growth Strategy session

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Warm Regards,

Bruce Knight

Entrepreneur, Business Success Coach & Strategist, Educator, Mentor, Author

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Read some of my latest blogs....

Blog 1 > Mould your dream life - Why your daily habits will mould your success or failure

We are all creatures of habits. Its in our dna as human beings. So why are so many of us struggle to maintain any sort of reasonable lifestyle. So why are so many of us not where we want to be?

It simply comes down to this... 

Our daily habits. The way we utilise our time & resources. 

Remember we are creatures of habits. No matter what your goal is, what you do consistently & the specific small steps you take daily will determine if you reach your goal or not. Work towards a positive outcome, develop a routine. Whether you want to lose weight, go on a holiday, buy a new car or build your business, its all the same principles. 

So to break it down, simply follow these success principles 

1. Establish a set of realistic goals

2. Develop the mindset of a winner

3. Make a Plan

4. Prioritise

4. Follow through 

And most importantly....Just Do It!

Blog 2 > Are you in it for the wrong reasons?

As a business coach/mentor I hear and see a lot of different ways of doings things. As I like to call it... strange, and yet to some that is the only way to do it.

I remember the first business I was involved with - Lawn Mowing & Maintenance.  

For me back then it was to be my own boss, work my own hours and of course earn better money than I was when I was working for someone. That all sounded great in theory, putting it into practice was the challenge. Now it wasn't because I was lazy, quite the opposite in fact. I have always had a good work ethic. It wasn't that I didn't like people, I got along well with everyone I came in contact with ( well most people anyway), it wasn't the fact (at that stage) I wanted to build a business I could sell as an asset then to retire on. The fact was, I wanted something more, wanted to make a difference. 

I have always been searching for the next challenge, the next big break. And with this behind me, went on to achieve just that. So you’re asking...that's all good Bruce, what does all this have to do with your blog post. Are you in it for the wrong reasons? 

Great's why 

As I continue to meet & hear people's stories, I am often shocked to hear when I ask the simple question of. Why are you in business? Most people are unable or not quite sure to give me a direct answer. In business, this is most important, fundamental question that everyone needs to ask themselves. As is my story, whether you’re in business to choose your hours, be your own boss, set your own income or just wanting to make a difference or all of the above, having a clear understanding of the WHY is crucial to your success or failure. 

Here's some tips of how to get started ....

1. Find Your Reason (write it down)

2. Choose Your Vehicle (business vehicle)

3. Develop a Sense of Urgency (get it done)  

All the other 'stuff' you can learn along the way, as I have done in all my businesses. 

Engage a Coach/Mentor that fits in with what you want...interview them. 

So being in business isn't easy, it's certainly not hard either if you have the right advice & support team that aligns with your short & long term goals

Get Professional Help & Guidance - Schedule your Complimentary 10 minute Lifestyle Growth Strategy session TODAY!

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This article was published on 17.08.2016 by Bruce Knight
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