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I Need To Do More Research Addiction

A lot of people believe that research and more information is the key to ensure success.

Well we now live in the age of the internet where we have access to more information than ever before, right at our fingertips.

Yet the staggering truth is that the average income has not gone up in the last 20 years.

If research & information was the key to success, then we should see more % of the population reach higher income brackets, yet that is not the case.

Only 2% of Americans make more than $200,000 per year.

The problem is, we've been programmed since young in schools that retaining information from textbooks was the key to success.

We've been taught to stay inside the box. To follow a regime dictated by others.

Although that leads to academic success,did we ever stop & ask ourselves: Does that really lend well to achieving massive financial success in the real world?

The truth, the reason why only 2% make $200K or more is that in order to make that level of income usually requires one to own his or her own business.

Not too many hourly paid jobs out there will allow you to make a million dollars per year.

If you want to reach the top level financial success in life, you have to build your own business, you cannot continue to be a mere worker, getting leveraged to build other people's dreams.

As an employee your earning potential has a ceiling.

Yet why do very few people become entrepreneurs?

Plain and simple, its fear.

"Let me do more research" is basically your fear speaking.

Many of you have become master procrastinators.

Recently, I got to spend some quality time in Miami with some of the students inside our program for a whole week when we did our regional event there.

The number 1 advice when your tired of talking?

He says "Just F***king Do It"

After 30 years of mentoring others, that's number 1 advice for action oriented people.

That tells you that from what we seen over and over again that prevents people to succeed is their inability to take action.

Becoming successful has nothing to do with your IQ levels.

There's no correlation between high IQ and high income.

With the internet, we are inundated with information, yet still only 2% of the population make over $200K per year.


Most people fail to take action because they allow FEAR to dictate their life.

If you find yourself in that quagmire of not making any progress in life, and you tend to over analyze things and constantly find yourself doing more and more research.

It's critical for you to become more self-aware of yourself and dig a lil' deeper into seeing what's causing you to procrastinate?

On a deeper level you're afraid.

Let's be strong enough to be real with ourselves.

And call it what it is.

It's fear.

But if you allow fear to lead the ship, that ship leads to a life of quiet desperation.

It leads to a life of unfulfilled potential.

It leads to a life of regrets like that beach bum that Josh talked to in Miami.

There is a rite of passage to becoming an entrepreneur.

We must be able act in spite of fear.

That's what makes a human being great. Our ability to act in spite of our fight or flight responses.

This is exercising courage.

Your courage is what's going to ultimately separate you from the masses.

Its courage & grit that'll allow you to be above average, to attain extra-ordinary results in life.

This is what's encapsulated beautifully in Digital Marketing simple advice of: "Just Do It, as fast as humanly possible."

With Builderall this has never been easier if you like speed of execution and doing more with less time instead of doing less with more time

Richard Aka Levels With Richard 

This article was published on 23.06.2023 by Richard Asimba
Author's business opportunity:

Levels With Value - Digital Marketing, Free to join

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