Is direct selling for you?
Is direct selling for you?
Did you know everyone since the age of 5 years old is a salesman?
That is correct, ever since you started school you became a salesman.
Kindergarten is a place that allows you to bring in something you like “Show~n~Tell”.
You stand up in front of the class and tell everyone that this is your favor toy, book, blanket and share with them why it is.
You sell yourself to make new friends, a boy/girl friend, to get a date and yes to marry.
Don’t forget about selling yourself to someone to hire you.
We all have to sell, and it comes easy because it is part of us.
It’s not until you have your mind changed by someone that you become someone who is a pushy type of sales person.
You tell yourself you can’t be like them… Great don’t be.
Direct selling isn’t about shoving your product, company or business down some ones throat.
It’s is about finding a solution and offering that solution to others.
If they aren’t open to it be sure to thank them for listening.
The timing just isn’t right for them at this time, and if you make a big scene you are burning that bridge.
You can always offer a solution later, or ask them for someone who they thing might be open to hearing about it.
We are the messenger not the message.
I know it may be hard, for you know your product will really help that person, but its their life and their decision; let them alone.
The best way without bring up the product, company or business is when they have just complained to you about something just ask them if they would like to do something about it.
If their answer is anything else but a yes, it’s a no.
Learn that anything else but a yes is a no; don’t burn the bridge.
This no doesn’t come to us as a no many times it an excuse as to why they can’t.
I have to talk to my doctor, I tried everything there is, I have drugs for that.
Learn to accept they are not open at this time and don’t become a pushy salesman type.
The great thing about direct selling, you’re getting paid for doing something you have always done since you were five years old.
Sharing something that you like, enjoy and just offering a solution for others to see if they too will get the same out of it as you.
A home based business, direct selling will help you reach any level you want in life.
I am offering you a solution to become your own boss.
Contact me and we together can help you to become independent together.
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