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My mission to rif the World of Poverty!! You can help AND make a passive income!

It’s been a dream of mine for decades to find a way to help those in poor countries, the homeless, and people in so much debt they fall into deep depression, and I always believed I would have to make billions first to do what I want to do, so it seemed like about 20/30 years off...

But 11 days ago (maybe 12, I haven’t slept for a few days lol :D) I took a leap of faith in this venture. And within 24 hrs I had my first sign up (ever in 2 years!) and got half my investment back!

I had only put up one post, in one private group of about 300 people!!! And I now have 2 from that one post!!!  money back in 4 days!!! Everything now FOREVER is pure profit!!

Then I got another 3 in, so within 5 days I was now at $625 from my one time payment of $250.

So, I thought yes! I can use my profit to help my family... but no one got back to me :P (you know how it is, you get the tut, then the 'oh what are you trying to sign me up to now?' speach haha) so I went to my next goal, to help a young lad from Ghana get out of poverty.

I’ve been trying to send him free stuff but nothing ever paid well enough. So I thought stuff it, I’ll get him in with my money and when he gets 2 people he will pay me back! Then he will be set for life!

So that's what I've done! He is now on a path to change not only his own life but his family and soon his whole village will be free!!

That's the beauty of this business, not only can you make a fortune, VERY quickly, but if you join my team, you will be have me (and the rest of my team of 20) pushing people into your payment centres (to get you profit back quicker) but also you will be ultimately helping to SAVE LIVES!!! It's win, win, WIN!!! :D

So if you would like to join us, for a ONE TIME payment of $250 (plus a reg fee of just $29 every 6 months to have a licence to use the software system), you can make $5k or more by Christmas AND help towards my goal of ending poverty world wide! Are you in?

Click the link for more info and to sign up, or message me for info Click here to Save the world!

This article was published on 01.12.2018 by Emma Baker
Author's business opportunity:

5050 - Making money FAST, 29 USD to join

Member comments:

Emma Baker Wow!! They've just opened up 3 lower entry levels!! Now you can get in for just $19!!   6 years ago

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