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New Opportunity - Body Shop At Home


I am an Independent Body Shop at Home Consultant. 

I am looking for individuals who are passionate about skin care and who are looking to work from home. This opportunity is perfect for all circumstances, whether you are looking to make a few extra pennies for Christmas, something to do alongside your current role etc. 

So just to give you a basic overview of the Body Shop at home business opportunity. 

Its just £49 to start and this includes a kit worth over £230 and has everything you need to get off to a fantastic start.

We offer free training which you can access via our website, video link and of course face to face training. 

There are a number of ways that we can collect orders, the most effective is parties this is where we go and show a group of people our fantastic products and offer then exclusive offers. The average sales at a party is £200-£250 in the lead up to Christmas this rises dramatically We earn 25-30% commission on all sales so at this time of year your looking at £50-£60 minimum at an average party. Not bad for just a couple of hours work!!!!

You can also collect orders from friends/family through the catalogues and via social media for example a fb group (you can also have fb parties too) and you can make up a pamper box so that people can try our products for a few days and this almost always leads to more sales

So if you are looking to earn and extra £300+ a month or if your looking for a full time wage we are looking for managers in training and we’re here to support you but you won't find us pressuring you as its your business and therefore its designed to fit around you current commitments. 

The Body Shop brand really helps and I believe this is how I've made my business the success that it is, we are well known and have products to suit every budget and many items such as shower gels and shampoo are consumables which lead to regular business. Our products are cruelty free and use the finest ingredients from around the world supporting fair trade across the globe. 

We also earn free products every month depending on how much we sell, this is great as you can sell more if you have the products to try yourself and to give samples to others. The company is generous and understand that people do this job for money and therefore do not want to have to keep reinvesting every time something new comes out. Plus in your first 28 days you can earn another £283 of products for free by planning your first month strategically! Its very achievable if you break it down!!

We have launched our Christmas catalogue which I’m really excited for. The Christmas hype has already started so joining now is probably one of the best times to join. I’ve been with the Body Shop actively since January. I have to admit at the beginning I was pretty sceptical. Didn’t think anyone would buy from me. But I had no idea how many people used and loved the products! My friends and family have been very supportive and I’ve been able to build a fantastic team of ladies. The covid situation has however meant that’s it’s all been very much online promoting as parties etc haven’t been allowed to go ahead. However ones all the restrictions are lifted parties are completely optional. I do the majority of my sales from repeat business and I have a Facebook group set up which I post in daily. I work full time too so I spend an hour or so on a weekend scheduling all my posts for the week. That was I’m not distracted when I’m actually at work, and I can respond to questions etc on my lunch or after work. There are ladies in my time who have so many different work / life situations so thankfully the Body Shop suits all situations! I know everyone will say ‘it’s the best thing I ever did’ etc, but genuinely for me it has been an amazing experience. I’ve learnt a lot about myself, skin care (prior to Body Shop I used bloody face wipes - sooo bad!!), I’ve made some amazing new friends and I’ve been able to do so much with my commission - from trips away, redecorated my house, and bought a car outright (albeit a second hand one but at least it’s mine!). I initially joined after splitting up with my partner and suddenly having all the bills to pay etc, so did see it as a bit of a stop gap, however I love it so much that my intention now is to continue to build my team so that I am able to work part time, or have a total career change. 
If you do have any questions then I’d love to help xxx

Christmas is just around the corner and this is the perfect time to join! 

Please join my page, and message me for me more information!

This article was published on 21.11.2020 by Charlotte Smith
Author's business opportunity:

Beauty & The Body (BSAH) - Skin Care, Beauty, 79 USD to join

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