Does Your Cell Phone Protect You from Becoming A Victim of Identity Theft?
We live in a world where your privacy is being eroded and invaded every day!
I decided to do something to help protect my data and personal information from
falling in the wrong hands.
The more I hear about this company the more I know that I am in the right place at
the right time!
There are five categories of adopters when it comes to new technology:
innovators - those who create the technology
early adopters - the first to use new technology
the early majority - the first major segment of the population to widely adopt new
the late majority - the second to last segment of society to adopt new technology
laggards - the last segment of the population to adopt new technology
You can be part of the EARLY ADOPTERS!
I do not say the above to create a sense of “Fear of Loss,” but to let you know
that the sooner you conduct your own due diligence on this company and
technology, the sooner you can protect your personal information and day
from hackers and those trying to steal your information and identity!
Look at the image below. It is a screenshot of the technology the phone
provides to help keep your data and personal information on your phone secure:
I want to protect my data and secure my privacy!
The number you see in RED is the number of “ADS” and “TRACKERS”
the software has blocked from being added to your phone.
Included in the trackers could be malicious logic, malware, keystroke loggers.
All used by hackers and individuals looking to get their hands on your
Personal information to aid them in stealing your identity.
The company behind the phone and technology has been an innovator in
the IT Field for years and the technology has been 11 years in the making.
Our goal is to help you take back control of your personal data and protect
your privacy, and along the way, help you get rid of your cell phone bill
when you share this phone with others.
We are looking for Early Adopters and Influencers to help take this
Information to the masses.
Your privacy and the protection of the information on your phone and what
you share with others should be decided by you and not the APPs or websites
you share that data with!
Watch the videos on the page below and let me know if this is something you
want to be a part of.