My Body Shop At Home Journey
When I joined the Body Shop At Home I was a single parent, recently divorced , had low confidence and looking to earn some extra cash on top of my full-time job. I loved the products but had no idea how to run a small business and neither did I really want to but felt the job would be fun and a distraction from what was going on in my life at the time. I was short of cash anyway so purchasing a kit for £100, this was back in 2009, was a lot to swallow but luckily I was allowed to pay in instalments. I received £600 worth of kit plus accessories, which are like gold dust to consultants today. Now the kit price is £49.00 with a reduced product kit but the opportunity to receive an extra £300 worth of kit for free with the new starts programme. Still amazingly great value! Back then I lacked confidence, being alone and recently divorced , I was just not ready to go into peoples homes and do parties so stuck to badgering friends and family for sales and giving away most of my commission to get the freebies you could win along the way. After a friend very kindly offered to host a party for me I started to recruit people naturally just by telling them how much I loved the job and my little team began to form and I began to build a friendship group who still remain today. In fact my friends also encouraged me to socialise more leading to me finding my life partner and getting married. My journey with The Body Shop At Home has not only brought me financial rewards , all expenses paid holidays , life long friendships, a social life and a loving partner I could only have dreamed of but has allowed me to realise that MLM businesses are built on trust and respect for one another. This business is about people , the way we respect one another, coach and nurture is extremely important. I love the freedom it gives, the amazing inspirational people I meet and the ethics of The Body Shop are ethics that I have always valued. I now have a team of over 50 ladies. I joined over 10 years ago and my boys are now young men so I can give more time to my business as I’ve now been able to reduce my hours at work. This business is so flexible you can work the hours that suit you. My journey with The Body Shop has been life changing and has just begun. You need no experience just a willingness to learn and a love of bath, body and beauty products. You’ll get support and free training and hopefully make some great friendships along the way. If you live in The UK, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales and would like to know more please do get in touch. My link is attached for immediate start if you’d like to get going straight away. Go ahead and take a chance on love ❤️
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