Become as online Mobile Banker.
My message to everybody who is reading this text is to look closer to company Tycoon69 from Switzerland. Why? … They have created a new generation for work from home or online business model. You are NOT a distributor for different kind of products. You can get new profession and become a Mobile Banker for the future online Blockchain bank. Bank is based in Austria. Build online a customer base for the bank and make real residual income on everything what the customers are buying and using daily. The bank is a power wallet what is creating his own community with the power of social media and a home based business. Imagine a worldwide online bank with millions of customers and you earn money because they buy milk, gas, internet, pay bills etc…….. you want to know how to start as a Mobile Banker? May be You want to be investor? There is possibility to invest in ICO till 31.03.2019. Later will be to late. Bank is making new their own crypto currency. This crypto will grow in price because every transaction trough bank will be in this crypto currency. Interesting thing is this that to open online bank account will be very easy and for free. It will be trough app. Bank card will be for free. In account will be possible to put all currencies, all official crypto currencies and gold, too. And will be possible to pay about Your every day needs in suppermarkets with Bitcoins, Etherium or other crypto currency or with Your goldor any other currency. And interesting that from every purchase with this bank card You will get cash back. Tycoon69 is marketing company which creating customers for bank. Are You ready to be as Mobile Banker or may be investor? As marketer You will get Your personal back office with promotional link. You have to choose Your business package. You will earn more, if Your business package will be bigger. Be fast. There is important to be first. You will eran from all the world. Join this link:
More info You can find in this video there:
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