Wordwide Opportunity for helping many who now need additional services
This is new and will help people all over the world. Especially those who are unable to sign up in banks or with other financial institutions. Pay in and get paid with Bitcoin. If you need an income but can't leave home because of current health precautions, this will give you the funds to continue paying your expenses. Here is a video referencing Covid-19: https://youtu.be/Ly09wl1Tlmg and here is a link for more information and an opportunity to join: https://bionic.up2give.com Copy these into your browser line and see how each of us has a way to help not only ourselves but also commit to assisting our favorite causes.
Along with this program, and in relationship with your Bitcoin account, you are able to get a debit card that will allow you to spend your funds without needing to go through a bank or some other credit card company. This is an advantage for those who, perhaps, do not have access to any banking institution or who cannot qualify for a credit card. After you join, since this is a worldwide program, you will automatically get people signing up under you. In my experience, within the first 24 hours of signing up, I had 614 people listed as signed up under my account.
The name of this program pretty much tells the whole story. It is called Up 2 Give. What this means is, once you have 2 people personally signed up under your account, you start receiving money and when you get, you are able to give. For the give part, you are able to pick your favorite cause to give to. This can be any cause, a church, a business, a school, an individual or even something you are involved in. In my case, I chose the Salvation Army. Our local Salvation Army Corps is renovating a recently purchased building and needs many donations to help with the expense of remodeling, The Salvation Army helps so many people and gets so little credit that anything I, personally, can do to help them will not only be a blessing to them but also give me that satisfying feeling of knowing what I have donated to has helped my community.
Perhaps you have some organization who could use help with their building project or need assistance with their food program to help those in need of some healthy food. Whatever your selected organization to help, it will always be up to you to transfer the funds to them. This leaves you free to change your mind if you want to. Not many programs offer this opportunity and have such great advantages for those who get in early.
I am a senior citizen with a limited income and this plan is helping me in so many ways. I hope you join those of us who have decided to take advantage of this opportunity.No comments yet