Reach one Teach one
Hello, my name is Eugenia English I'm a 55 year old mother of 2 children my 34 year old was found dead in 2017 mi 38 year old lives in Maryland I'm a grandmother of 10 an great grandmother of 3. My family and so many others prayed for me. My mom and my children wanted so desperately to have ME BACK. I was addicted to heroin and cocaine for 25years. I am a recovering addict for 13 years also written a book thats currently with the Publisher now " PROSTITUTE TO PREACHER" which was inspired by one of the areas i experienced while in active addiction. This book was written for those that feel like they can't get up from a dark place. I'm a witness that God will take our mess and make it a message. He'll use every test to give us a testimony. I was chosen at such a time as this to be a motivator an encourager and to be transparent for the people to see "CHANGE IS POSSIBLE FOR ANYONE THAT WANTS IT" Being bound by the abuse of substances i thought I'd never pursue recovery until i was given a chance to live again. One day at a time still progressing. There's so many people still bound by addiction and want a way out. I'm a firm believer if we reach out to touch the adult addicts regain there lives back we also give our children who are growing up in this type of environment a fighting chance to have a healthy, stable, and productive lives. We need each other
They have no love because of the bridges that's been burnt. Being addicted causes homelessness the need of shelter, long and short term rehabilitation centers, and support groups of course. I give to homeless people everyday out of my little, so I've decided to step out on Faith and reach out to those who will liberally donate to this cause to give another sister, brother a chance to live again. I am moving forward in raising money to open a center for those that need a place of safety while they moveDtoward the process of recovering. I'm asking all of you who will help this mission become successful to join with me. MONETARY GIFT, SOAP, TOOTHPASTE, TOOTHBRUSHES, DEODORANT, SOCKS, T SHIRTS ALL SIZES ETC. I COULD NOT DO THIS WITHOUT YOU. PLEASE HELP ME HELP SOMEBODY ELSE BECOME ALL THAT THEY CAN BE. IT IS SUCH A PRIVILEGE TO BE A BLESSING I CAN'T EXPLAIN T IT'S A HONOR TO SEE ANOTHER PERSON SMILE AGAIN. I LOVE YOU THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO.