Join me with SeneGence (LipSense)!!
MAKEUP JUNKIES, SKINCARE SAVANTS: We have an awesome new distributor kit that FINALLY comes with products... you luckies, I didn't even get that! It is now just $65 to join, and the free products you receive in your kit are worth much more than that. These products have made SUCH a huge difference in my skin and in my confidence. An independent lab (no affiliation with SeneGence) tested our proprietary formula, SenePlex Complex, and found that 100% of women had results! Y'all.... 100%. I literally feel like I am reverse aging from using these products. LipSense is what we are most known for, but our skincare products are actually our top sellers!! Now, on to the cosmetics. They literally do.not.budge! I'm a teacher, and I have worn LipSense on days when I have had Parent/Teacher conferences at night, and it has stayed on from 6am-8pm! You get 4-18 hours (sometimes longer) of fabulous wear. Our other cosmetics products are equally impressive, and we have something for any fancy: ShadowSense (marketed as an eyeshadow, but it can be used for highlighting, contouring, bish, concealer, and so much more), BlushSense, VolumeIntense Mascara that actually helps your lashes grow, eyeliners, concealers, foundations in original and advanced anti aging, tinted moisturizers, lip balm, you name it!! These products really do sell themselves, but we have a huge bank of knowledge and resources to help you be successful. I'm a teacher on summer break who has been out of school for far too long already.... let me teach you in this business! My direct sponsor is very high up in the ranks of the company, so come join our rockstar team and discover endless possibilities.
These are some of the awesome benefits to joining our company:
Get a 20-50% discount depending on your order amount.
FREE website to give customers another avenue to order products
No pressure to sell (but I'm here if you decide you want to)!
Order 150pv in a ROLLING 6 month period to remain qualified (so easy once you make the switch to our products)
Be the first to know about new products!
Be a part of a fabulous team of ladies with so much knowledge!
Find out more info and sign up here:
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