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Don't Joke With Your Body: A Whole-health Approach With Wealth Benefits

When my father was alive, he had one very spectacular thing about him – he never joked with food. As a teenager entering into young adulthood, I and my other siblings usually wondered why he was not so much interested in acquiring material things, especially for a man who worked in a top multinational oil company for over two decades. Apart from knowledge, and developing positive willpower, my father’s life philosophy centred so much on GOOD FOOD.

Now, let me say a few things about myself: I had an orientation of seriousness early in my life. And I took this far into my education and work life. I have put much time to studies, work, and personal development; but I left very little consideration for feeding and good food. Then in my mid-thirties, I began to pay for that. I don’t need to say I learned the very hard way – a foolish way to learn considering that I had a father I ought to have learned from very early in my life.

I was in the peak of this struggle to get my body to receive and accept good food and to be stable when I discovered PURE. PURE, apart from being the brand name of the US-based company – PURE GEN Holdings Inc – is also a corporate acronym for “People United Reaching Everyone.” I found that PURE has a rich range of products, all of them 100% plant-based whole-health organic supplements. They are more like “good food” for our bodies.

When I began to study PURE products, I found that the company’s whole-health philosophy hinges on “Cleanse – Balance – Build – Focus.”

We often ignore the fact that our bodies are incredible super-resilient machines that are constantly on a war to survive. We use cars and remember that they have to be serviced every three months by changing oil, oil filters, etc; but we often “ignore” the body thinking it will take care of itself. PURE has an excellent product to “cleanse” the body through its seven channels of elimination. And this process can be repeated once every few months, just like your car-servicing routine.

Secondly, we are living in a world where the three critical elements for human life are under threat. I mean Food, Air, and Water. From all kinds of pollution to declining nutrients in our food due to chemical effects from agricultural processes, my studies revealed that the biggest reason why there are so many ailments today is that we kind of eat very differently from the way our ancestors used to eat. Diseases that killed very many years ago – medical experts find – no longer exist. Diseases that now kill did not exist many years ago. That tells us there is something wrong with this modern day way of eating. Some medical practitioners have found that today’s orange may be giving you far less than what it gave those who ate it 50 years ago. So what am driving at? Many persons are living through their day with more acidic bodies than alkaline bodies. An acidic body is prone to lots of health problems. PURE has excellent products to “balance” our bodies’ pH.

Thirdly, once the body has been cleansed and balanced, PURE has excellent products to “build” it with relevant nutrients that the body needs to keep it going.

In addition to all these, PURE has products to keep you focused and energetic every day so you can concentrate on achieving your life’s dreams and purpose.

While studying how PURE works, I realised that our bodies could be so messed up that even the medications we take might not be absorbed. I realised that the digestive system, which people mostly ignore, could create a lot of problems when the gut is messed up. I realised that most people who deal with insomnia, for instance, usually would not think of issues such as deficiencies in magnesium and calcium in the body. All of these little intricacies and details have been taken care of by PURE, double checked by a Wellness Advisory Board made up of doctors, anesthesiologists, rheumatologists, molecular biochemists, pharmacies, dermatologists, etc.

After two weeks of taking PURE products, I saw signs that assured me I will be fine after a while. What they say in PURE? We make no curative claims. But the products are 100% organic – taking into consideration the environmental issues we have with food, air and water – supplementing what we eat daily. So they are like food to the body. And when you give the body what it needs, your body will understand. Your body will appreciate you for it because you are giving it what it needs for its warfare to keep you alive.

What more? I was completely blown away when I found that some of PURE's products are listed in the Physicians Desk Reference.

And then I had the privilege of reading a lot of testimonies from people that have used PURE in the US, via a dedicated Facebook group.

This is why I joined the PURE business. And this is why you will like to check PURE out through my replicated website –

There is so much to learn. So much to know. So much to do for your body and yourself. So much to do for your friends and family and neighbours. This is not just business. It is whole health with wealth benefits!

If you are in the US, Canada, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Ghana and Nigeria, then you can be part of PURE because the company operates in these countries. Join me and let's spread the word and be strong with health and wealth.

Thank you for reading.

This article was published on 20.06.2019 by Ofuma Agali
Author's business opportunity:

PURE GEN - Organic supplements, 163 USD to join

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