The Limits Are In Your Mind.
Are your own beliefs and mindset holding you back?
I know mine were.
A few years ago I was listening to a talk by Grant Cardone talking about 10X-ing your income. I listened thinking that such a thing just was not possible for me. In the same talk Mr. Cardone encouraged his listeners to sit down and do the math and see how many sales you would have to make in order to grow your income by a factor of 10. That's when it hit me that what he was talking about was in fact doable if one had the motivation.
Before being challenged to grow, I was in my own little comfort zone.
I had found a way to generate a 5 figure income from my home, and found that that level of income was comfortable. No need to push any further...right?
And deep down in my heart I thought that a 5 figure income was all I could and should expect out of life. But Grant Cardone's talk pushed me to question my own inner beliefs and preconceptions concerning what was a good level of income and what wasn't.
So I sat down and (with eyes more open to new possibilities than before) began to take a good look at the businesses and opportunities I was in and see how I could do more with them than I had previously.
I began to realize I had been selling myself and my family short for a long time.
What differences could a 10 fold increase in income make in my own personal life and family life?
For starters I could retire my wife. My wife has been working hard in our home based business dealing with clients and helping them solve personal/relationship problems. And she has started to show some signs of burn-out. 10X-ing my personal income would give us the reserves needed to let her retire and enjoy life.
Also we both enjoy the country life. But our little section of the country has begun to turn into the suburbs. With a 10X raise in income we can have enough to find some nice land in a remote area of "God's Country" and settle down in nature for a few years.
Clearly I had reasons to want to grow in a more radical way, and I also saw that in some of the companies I am in, I had the resources with with to accomplish the task. I just needed to apply myself more, push a little harder, and make the dream a reality.
The time to change is now.
Now this year I have the mindset telling me that growth on a 10X scale is possible, desirable, and there is no excuse for me not to do it. So my goal for the rest of this year is to grow from a 5 figure income to a 6 figure income and to begin to enjoy life with more gusto.
The main tool I am using to accomplish this task is a renewed mindset and positive attitude. The other tool I am using is a company I am in that has many stories of success that have also served to inspire me in my push forward. I listen to these testimonials on a daily basis to keep my own mind fresh and growth beliefs strong. I find them greatly motivating.
Are you happy where you are at in life?
Do you have a desire to push beyond your current limits?
If so, know that moving ahead is possible. You just have to make the decision to do it. There are many different programs out there today a person can use to push their own limits with. Below is one I have chosen to work with. Perhaps it may appeal to you too.
Testimonies Of Success With PLS
Best wishes to all reading hoping that you too will find your own level of success, whatever that may be. Do not let a negative or self limiting mindset hold you back. Remember...The Limits Are In Your Mind.
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