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If everyone is moving forward together, success takes care of itself--Henry Ford

Hello Folks,

I only recently joined this forum and I have to say that it is impressive. I am a member of a couple of other MLM forums but this one, by far, is the best one I have come across to date. I am fairly new to affiliate marketing (less than a year) and I currently promote several business opportunities with a little success--so I am still learning the ropes. I have been involved with one company since 2013 (MCA) and I have earned a little money here and there but nothing near to what I desire. I recently retired in 2015 so would love to be able to replace at least 75% or more of the income I earned at my full-time job.

What I am not going to do is pitch you my service/product because we all joined the company(s) we are currently affiliated with because we were sold on the opportunity. I have no doubt that the company(s) or program(s) that you are currently involved with can be successful given the right circumstances. But just like everyone in this forum the one thing we all need, for all of our businesses to grow, is referrals or other people joining our organization under our leadership. It doesn’t matter how good our services or products are—true wealth and growth will be hard to achieve without other people joining our organization.

Right now we are all probably following the same playbook to build your organization such as: asking family friends; posting free and paid ads; joining other MLM forums; buying leads and joining free and paid solo ad sites---etc., etc., etc. I have a question for you—are these methods working for you? Like you, I have some limited success using these methods but nothing near the results I visualized when joining my businesses.

If you think about it—it takes a certain mindset to want to do what we do (working for ourselves) and it seems like everyone here has that trait but let’s face it, some of the people we approach our opportunity to--do not have the temperament and/or persistence needed to be successful in this industry. That’s not the case in this forum and the reason for the memo.

Think On This For A Moment (Thinking Out of the Box)

If my count is right, there are thousands of members in this forum promoting thousands of different business opportunities, that all work, given the right circumstance (new recruits to your business). Right now we want or hope that others, in this forum would switch or join our program after getting more details of our individual company(s).

The #1 reason we join any of these programs is to make money. That is why I believe the services and/or products are secondary for that undertaking—but I am speaking strictly for myself. For me, it doesn’t matter which program it is—as long as there is a reasonable chance of making money with the enterprise.

My Proposal (Focus on One Business—as a Consolidated Group)

Everything we need to be successful in this field no matter what we are individually promoting is right now, is in this forum, such as:

The Business Opportunities

Dedicated Members/Leads

The Desire to Work for Ourselves and be Successful

What I think we are all doing wrong, as a group, is not utilizing the resources that we do have, in this forum--to make any online business opportunity profitable (ourselves). Instead of competing against one another for new leads for our individual businesses, why not unite forces and exploit our strength in numbers.

“One Focus” is a concept that would maximize our numerical strength. So instead of a thousand plus members promoting a thousand different programs—what if  we all  unify our skills, as a group, and focus on one specific program for 60—90 days.

That doesn't mean we stop what we are currently doing. What it means is that we chose a program, as a group, and everyone works that program for designated amount of time--along with their other businesses.

Imagine the monetary impact a thousand plus members would create for any company we decide to promote, as a consolidated group. Imagine the money we all can make simply by being a part of that group—and the best part of all is, after the initial 60—90 days for the first business we choose to promote, we can move on to a new business opportunity and apply the same strategy.

Right now this is just the beginning of an idea, I am still developing details of a workable plan but I would love to hear some feedback about the proposal. Do you think it could work? Would you join under the right circumstance? Any ideas that you would like to see in a finalized version, etc.—any feedback would do but I think the idea is sound—we just need a few good people to test the theory.

I don’t how many of you will read this announcement before it cycles off the first few pages—so if you agree or disagree with the conception, pass it along to other members in your connections.

Let me know what you think at

I wish you success in all that you do,


This article was published on 20.06.2016 by Everett Bowe
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