$15,000 Plus Free Advertising Now....
I'd like to offer you $15,000 Plus Of Free Advertising.
I actually used this method with this exact email
That has built me a great List and alot of good
sales and responses...
The quality of the leads you use is essential.
Did you know that the better the Traffic Source,
the more targeted your responses?
With That, the more sales you will receive,
and faster. Isn't that what you really want
for your business?
Well, because I have had good success with building
and keeping my own Subscribers: Plus getting more
and more sales following an exact method that
has helped me! It pushed me over the edge to
want to do this again and again! You can crank it up
to any level you want! You're not really
promoting your business per say, but you can, once
your subscribers know you are giving them Free
Advertising help to promote their online endeavor!...
They will thank you over and over once you show
them what you have to offer...
So, Let's Get Into It, Shall we?...
My personal mentor has completed his testing
and here's what he just found out and why he's making
so much money with it...
In this email, I'm going to show you exactly how to
do this. How you can spend a little money and
basically make 3 TIMES what you spend...
So if you spend $25, you'd get back $75. If
you spend $60, you'd get back $180. Spend
$100, you'd get back $300. Spend $500, you get
back $1,500. Spend $5,000, you'd get back
"You Get The Exact Method I Use"...
By following this exact method as my mentor
showed me, I personally compared my results
with my mentor's results...
As the numbers above configured, we both had same,
types of results. Of course, I can;t guarantee you will
do as well. Depends on how you just follow the...
instructions given and the steps you take....
Now for the Best Part . You can use the same
method and have $15,000 Free Advertising
If You join Me, or any member of ours, of my Team...
I will show you how to do this. This is the simplest way
I know to make money this quickly....
"I will Give You My Special Email To Send Out!"....
I will also provide you with a sample email to send
and all you must do is have the email sent out for you...
This is what I did.
#1. Create the eMail
#2. I pay a little bit to have the email
sent to a certain set of quality,
opportunity seekers (you will
have that source or maybe
you have your own)
#3. I should see around 10% of those emailed to
get on my special List Sponsored by Text-AI.
#4 Inside the Text-AI List, A woman named AVA
will do all the marketing on your behalf as
she is still doing this to my List for me.
Making this whole process automated!
She will basically even sell it for you.
Just add in how you want to get Paid,
and Ava will begin to fill up your
bank account or, whatever type
of payout you want to receive...
"24 Hours Later"...
#5. 24 hours later, AVA, The
Artificial Intelligence
woman starts texting those
people on your List about
your opportunity for you.
On, Complete auto-pilot as
if you were doing it,
with the same exact s you
would use if you were texting or emailing
your subscriber. taking you out of the
selling process, and doing other things
like, doing this Business Announcement
right here, and you and me are done for
the day!
Now #6...
#6. This is soooo Cool: Over 50% of those
who opted in bought This TextBot-AI...
(That's over 50% Conversion Rate)
#7. You get $100 for everyone that gets Text-Bot -ai
#8. I even started getting sales in my own business
that offers this same opportunity from
within my site...
Thus making me more money, as it will
do for you and your business...
"Do You See The BIG PICTURE?"...
Do you understand what this means for you? You
can invest a little bit of money , but make a
whole lot more. Just Grab your Artificial
Intelligence, Text Bot, AVA from me or
one of our Team members Here!
Watch the short video and just put in your
information and you will see what AVA does
and what she can do for you! She could be selling,
converting, and making money for you too.
Here's the video for a sneak Peek!
When you are On board with us, Let me know
right away! Who you signed up under and
when your account is activated...
I'll show you what to do Step by Step and
even supply you with the email we are using....
To your Automated Success Plan Of Action!,
Mike DeLuca
225-427-1056 ( You can text me
with any questions or that you're IN!)
+1(857)318-5919 (CELL #)
Contact Me Here So I can help you along the way!
P.S. To send high-converting eMails Like This
Everyday and earn more and more money,
Grab This Mailer NOW!
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