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$99 to Join Get Paid to Play with Makeup and Skincare

Hey ladies how are you � so this is kinda long but bear with me and please read until the end because this opportunity is so Amazing!!

If you would have told me 3 months ago I would be working for a makeup company, trying on Eye shadow and wearing lips stick I would have looked at you like you were crazy. This company has been so amazing for Myself and my family. I'm more confident and feel more beautiful than ever. I have gained friends and sisters. This company has allowed me to cut my hours down at work so I can spend more days at home with my children and that I am so thankful for.

 As parents all we want to do is be there for our children, watch them grow and learn new things, all while teaching them to follow their dreams. My kids are my world and I'm so glad this company allows me to work the hours I want when I want. So I want to say thank you to our company, team, & My supporters for showing me that even tho it's scary, following your dreams is important, I'm important. I'm working harder than ever to make my dreams come true because let's be honest dreams don't just fall in your lap. You have to want it, for work it, eat, breathe, and sleep it. You have to enjoy it, love it, show up everyday and I promise you will see your life start to change. 

Your not going to wake up one day rich it's a job just like any other you get paid for the work you put in. You get rewarded for your Success With Promotions, Bonuses, free stuff and Awesome Trips.

But My WHY does not revolve around the commissions I earn or the free products, or awesome trips we can earn.

I do this because I Love it, because I want to help people, I want to encourage and inspire others, I want to show women that I am just like you and that if you put your mind to it you can do this. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!!! WE CAN DO ANYTHING!!! I want to show people that it is ok to be scared I was. I took a huge chance not knowing what I was doing, i knew nothing about makeup, how I was going to promote it, thinking to myself I'm never going to succeed because I'm to afraid to go live to put myself out there, Afraid to be me.

I spent years in my own bubble that just seemed impossible to get out of i was scared, had no confidence, I didn't feel beautiful, I felt like I didn't matter, I was depressed, I couldn't express my feeling. My bubble was so big I was lost and eventually it got smaller to the point I couldn't breathe. I looked in the mirror and didn't even recognize myself, I was staring at this stranger and could see this beautiful girl on the inside just begging to get out. 

It took quite sometime but one day I was scrolling through FB and I seen this beautiful girl Sydney Nolan doing a live makeup video. Let me just say ladies this video changed my life. She was offering this Amazing opportunity  I finally said enough is enough Just do it Stop Being Afraid I could not pass this up I thought to myself what do I have to lose? And then I though what could I gain? and I did it , I joined, and I found myself ��� I found a beautiful girl who believes in herself, who isn't afraid to be herself, I found happiness, I found an amazing team not just a team but a family, sisters. I found a company who stands out from the rest because we truly care about the people and not the products we sell and that is my Main WHY ladies. 

 It really means a lot to me to be able to help others in need even if it means I have nothing. It makes me feel better as a person knowing i helped someone. There are so many people who struggle and sometimes you can't tell because they hide it so well. BUT I WANT YOU TO KNOW I'M HERE FOR YOU, I WANT TO HELP, LET ME HELP YOU. You are beautiful, You are smart and you matter. 

SOOOOOOO!!!!! Are you ready to step out of your bubble??? Do you need confidence, do you want to feel beautiful again, do you want to inspire others? I promise the moment you say YES your whole life will do a 180.

$99 to Join 

$300 worth of makeup

And skincare.

NO monthly Quotas

NO website fees

NO auto ships

NO bank Account needed

Get Paid 3 hrs after a sale

Earn free products,cash,

In-store credit, trips, a car and much more 

We get new products every month and our company givenew things away every month.

We have super fun, loving, outgoing, crazy, uplines that provide the best training tips and tricks to help you succeed. 

This article was published on 22.05.2018 by Amber Milton
Author's business opportunity:

Younique - MAKEUP AND SKINCARE, 99 USD to join

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