New Economic Evolution of the World
Hi all Born in New Zealand 1962. Had a normal childhood. Went to the US in 1978 for 1 year then returned to NZ. Then travelled to Australia late 1979 and went back to school and got a degree in justice as I wanted to go into the police force. But never got in due to the rules at the time. I was not an Australian.
Work in construction for many years in Australia and other placers in the world. In 2004 I went back to school to finish a degree in hotel management. Worked in that industry for many years.
In 2007 I tried to enter into politics and nearly made it 2008 my married broke down and i was left with nothing so I returned back to my home country of NZ to start again.
There I brought two hotels but I was taken to the cleaners by some not so nice people. Lost the lot again in 2015.
I then moved to Samoa and worked in management and meet my current wife and stayed there until 2017 when we returned to Australia.
With corona virus taking over the world and people needing to stay home and self-isolate, meaning business is hugely impacted as businesses can’t operate, have you thought about all the people that will need to find a way to earn money different from what they did before?
Now I am am a financial and investment coach and public speaker. Got involved in finance about ten years ago. Have had a lot to do with the stock market and investments.
The New Economic Evolution of the World has changed my life as I am a Co-Owner of the globe group of company's. We educate people in finance investment and for doing so get given CRU Units in return that are backed by the company's assets and pay us a bonus on a monthly basis.
I now get to stay at home and watch my children grow up. Take them to school and pick them up. It also gives me time with my family that I have lost in the past. Freedom to travel whenever I want with my family and to be with my friends and thats very important.
I’m out here reaching out to as many people as I can that have got an eye for a passive income stream aside their regular income and helping them leverage through what we offer.
You can check us out at
Thank you for your interest.
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