How To Get More Sales Without Home Parties, Cold Calling Or Begging Friends
Does this sound familiar? You join a network marketing company and the first thing you are advised to do is invite people into your home and throw a launch party. So basically what you’re doing, is getting your friends and family together with the hope that they would buy something from you to pay you a commission.
Why does that sound so wrong? But as network marketers that is what we are conditioned to do when we first sign up to the “opportunity of a lifetime” that claims to change our lives.
Not to mention cold calling and cold messaging everyone in our contacts list. I had the worst case of anxiety when I thought of messaging people that I did not speak to in years. How was I supposed to send them a random text asking them to try out a product for me?
I must have been crazy in my mind to think that anyone would want to do this.
But for the sake of trying to be successful in my business, I had to get over myself and just do it.
I Got Tired
Over time I honestly grew tired of it all.
Surely there was a much better way for those people who were just not as outgoing? Could there have been?
I mean the internet had come a long way. So why did it take me so long to realise that I could have actually used the internet to run my network marketing business?
A Better Solution
I am not quite sure but I am glad that I found a better solution.
I am glad that I no longer have to worry about harassing friends or family. One thing that I found is that friends and family probably will not join you in your business if you asked them.
You have a better chance at building a team from people that you do not know. This is the reason why I was able to recruit more than 20 people into my team who were not family members.
I also no longer have to worry about helping my team start their launch party. I simply show them what I am doing which is a duplicatable system and they teach their team the same thing and I build my downline that way.
What exactly is that solution? A marketing tool that attracts only the people who are interested in my business, follows up with them automatically through an email autoresponder and converts them into buyers with an email sequence.
One cool advantage of using this marketing system is that I can show as many people as I want my offer and it is all done automatically through advertising.
This is by far the easiest system that I have used which has helped me recruit many more team members and customers into my business without the worry of doing home parties or cold calling of any type.
How Does It Work?
Start an advertising campaign which sends people to your website or capture page. Capture their email address and then follow up with them automatically by email.
Do you want to give this marketing system a try? I am giving away five free systems today. Grab yours here. Check the link to see that it still works.
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