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Dead Broke Networkers Wake Up Call

The only way this announcement can help you is if you are honest. Honest with yourself. If you are, then I will go as far as saying the following can change your life. There will be some cold hard facts that will make you want to stop reading. Your mind will fight what I am telling you, because your upline has told you different. Now if you are truly a successful networker, you can stop reading now, I’m here for the other 97% that never make a dime. The ones that try and try again but always end up in the negative financially. 

I know your upline told you stories about how much money some guy or girl is making. Well that’s the one guy, every company has a few, and I mean a few. So why do so many people keep joining the industry? The DSA says the numbers are up. It’s the wave of the future. The numbers are up. Why, because the middle class is shrinking all around the world. This industry has all the elements to appeal to all those people that are struggling. It can get you in business at a low cost, it can be done from home, it makes you the boss and has a very low perceived risk vs. reward.

The easiest sell to anyone is a promise of easy money, and a lifestyle of freedom and independence. It only takes a few images, a few stories of rags to riches, some motivational company speak and most are easily distracted. If they show you someone that has it all and then hype you into believing you can also, it becomes very easy to separate you from your money. I compare all that feel good stuff to a magician using slight of hand. Deep down in your heart you know it’s a trick, but it’s entertaining and makes you feel good. Question, aren’t you sick of being a fast start bonus, over and over again?

It’s time for another honesty check. Answer this; are you honestly where you thought you would be in your business today compared to what your dreams were when you joined? Are you even making enough money to cover your monthly costs? Is your business growing? Don’t know? Answer this, how many people have you put in your business this week? Sobering questions huh? 

Let me enlighten you some more, because I know what you are thinking. Your company’s different. You have the greatest products ever. They are backed by science, everyone will want them and it’s not just about the money. 

 Next honesty question. If your company’s products are so great, why don’t you just buy them and use them? Be honest, if you stop working your current company, would you continue to buy it’s overpriced products? I can answer that for you, NO. The numbers don’t lie. Most reps only buy the products during the term they think they are building the business to stay commissionable. When they fail to build they stop purchasing. But you already know that. 

So am I saying it’s hopeless? Nope I’m saying this industry is the greatest thing you could be a part of. You weren’t expecting that were you? The problem isn’t you, the problem isn’t the industry; the problem is you don’t understand the industry. 90 percent of this industry is made up of health and wellness companies. Are you really qualified to talk about chemicals and ingredients to the point that someone should listen to you to put those products in or on their body? I bet most likely no. 

What you don’t realize is that the people you are prospecting, sense that. That’s why you get so many no’s. Network marketing fact, the avg. person only ever sponsors 2.7 people into their business. Think about that. All that money and all that work just to bring in 2 or 3 people. Is this starting to make sense? Are you seeing why the odds are stacked against you? It’s not just what you can do, it’s what your downline will be willing to do.

I know, I know, your upline is different. You have advanced training. You do things like, vision boards, set goals, make a list of prospects, blah, blah blah, blah, blah! Folks everybody does that stuff, if it worked, we would all be rich. 

What you don’t understand is it isn’t about recruit, recruit, recruit. It’s about retain, retain, retain. But no matter how much training you receive, if you still don’t understand your relationship within your opportunity, you will remain dead broke. 

Still don’t understand? Follow me. In the real world, you go to school, you develop skills and you apply for jobs that fit those skills. For example if you graduated from a trade school, do you think you would have a good chance interviewing to be a banker? Of course not, but that is what hundreds of thousands of people do everyday in this industry. They join companies and work compensation plans that they have zero chance of success, because they aren’t qualified. 

 All network-marketing companies are not built the same. Working a nutritional is like playing in the big leagues. You have to be real good. Succeeding in those companies is like expecting to walk into your next job interview and becoming the CEO in 90 days. It’s not going to happen and you know that. Telling me you want to make 10k/month in network marketing is ridiculous. Are you making 10k/month now? If so, how many hours a week are you working? 

I know you were sold on the concept of part time work full time pay. That can happen, we are living proof, but you have to know how to solve that puzzle. 

Look, when network marketing works, there is nothing like it; on the other hand, when it doesn’t, there is nothing like it also. We want this article to wake you up. We want you to be honest with yourself and we want you to experience what we have experienced in this industry. 

It’s not about comparing pin ranks or checks with others. It’s not about company events or walking across the stage to get a big cardboard check. It’s not about having a downline where 10 come in and 9 quit. Anyone that tells you, that is just the way it is, is dead wrong and probably dead broke. 

You have to really understand the facts and understand how to gain the skills you need to succeed in this industry without losing money. Yes you will have to put out a few bucks to start, but we know if you are not even or in profit within 30 days, you will most likely fail. So if that’s the case, why would you join a company, that has a compensation plan you don’t understand or fit your personality, because they have great products and cool videos? That will get you dead broke. 

Some companies offer great upfront commissions, some great residual, some both if you are extremely skilled. Here’s a tip, never be loyal to the company, be loyal to the opportunity. But only pick opportunities that fit you. I know that is easier said than done. But if you want that Network Marketing Dream Lifestyle, you have to figure it out or get with those who have and let them show you the way. That’s the great thing about this industry, helping you, helps me. I think most people forget how powerful that can be. Forgetting that is another cause of dead broke disease. 

Last thing, when I say find an opportunity that fits you, I do not mean finding a company with a product you love. Most people can’t make any money doing things they really love. Forget that, do something you are good at. We are convinced almost anyone can become good at Network Marketing. It just takes some basic direction. If you would like to speak with me to talk about how to achieve your financial goals click this link. or email me at 

Lets find out what is best for you, lets see if you are ready and willing to follow some simple steps to get where you want to be. If you are, we will help you get there. It doesn’t matter if you are in one of our businesses or not. Lets talk, we love to meet new people, investigate new opportunities and of course make a lot of money. Think about this. Wealthy people don’t do certain things; they do things in a certain way. We will show you that way! 

This article was published on 02.01.2019 by Jeff Gergic
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