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So if you think that your health is something to play with why not see what others are saying about SUPER LUTEIN AND IZUMIO WATER!  You do not have to take my word for it! I want to challenge ALL of you to check out at least one of the videos listed and hear the testimonies directly from the people taking these products. DO SOME BACKGROUND checking. You do not have to believe me because Naturally Plus is offering exactly what is says, how many companies and franchise businesses offer you health as a foundation and wealth to those whom want more? When I was first introduced to Super Lutein I was already familiar with the contents making up the formula. I knew it was superior because of the combination of ingredients. Having learned about healing properties of plants and traditional Native American healing as a child set the foundation for the knowledge I have today. I have spent over 50 years studying Natural Medicine, Nutritional Medicine and Integrative Health and Nutrition as Medicine. Herbal Medicine, Aroma Therapy and Acupressure for more than 30 years. Organic Food Health along with Eating for Health, Clean Water Initiatives, Clean Air & Toxic Control and Environmental Health. I spent several years teaming with researchers who improved and modified Cultural changes to the Women’s Infants and Children’s WIC Nutritional Food voucher program that encourages participants to eat fresh and shop at farmers markets and purchase more fresh vegetables and fruits, tortillas and tofu, tuna, dried beans, whole grains, low-fat milk and dried fruit which contain higher amounts of healthy sugars also increase amounts of iron our bodies need. The WIC food package change took place on a National across America in October 2009 level and I was proud to be a part of those improvements. SO, when I saw the ingredient list in SUPER LUTEIN I knew it was good. I only needed to know if this company has integrity as it is claiming and is this product have the same consistent results that it offers. Well, I did have a change in my eyesight in one eye. Before taking SUPER LUTEIN one of my eyes would involuntarily tear up at any time for any reason. Some mornings my eye would be glued shut, sticky and crusted in the corners. After taking my initial dose of 6 SUPER LUTEIN caplets, (that is the recommended initial dose to jump start your eye health) and only taking a regular dose of 3 the following day and again on the next day. I noticed that my eyesight was not only clearer as if I were wearing my preive eyeglasses, I could now see further in the distance more clearly! I was surprised and amazed. Still I did not say anything because as I said earlier this occurred only in one of my eyes and not both. I was still waiting for deeper results. One morning as I was doing my daily walking exercise and I noticed a teeny tiny micro squirt droplet of a tear which tried to squeeze out of the corner of my eye, the very same eye that had improved sight in 3 days. It was maybe 2 weeks later that I remember my eye injury in 1990! My eye had stopped tearing and I did not even notice when it happened. I thought that was amazing. So I decided to go online and see if there were others who had stories. And I did find them, some are in English and some are with English sub titles. After I decided to join Naturally Plus I began hearing stories from other SUPER LUTEIN users around America via webinars, video conferencing and at in-home seminars and parties. And that is how this business is done. Sharing with others and helping others become healthy, including your wealth health. There are so many other benefits Super Lutein offers. Overall INTERNAL HEALTH to most of the soft tissue organs. What SUPER LUTEIN does not remove, IZUMIO WATER WILL!


This article was published on 22.10.2017 by Veah Keyes
Author's business opportunity:

Naturally Plus - Hydrogen water - SuperLutein Eye Hlth, 130 USD to join

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