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Let your imagination run wild.

What do you want to be when you grew up? I'm sure most of you have been asked this question. When I was younger I imagined myself walking down the red carpet, the crowds cheering and flabbergasted by my beauty. I imagined myself as a dancer performing on stage in front of thousands of people. I saw myself speaking at large events, although, I never believed it would happen because of how shy of a child I was. I could barely get two sentences out without blushing. When you are a Child, the World is your playground, and you are the hero of your story. You dream the craziest of dreams and let your imagination run wild, until somewhere down the line life shuts you down. Pain happens. Trauma happens. Mom gets sick. Dads not around to help provide or help raise you. You don't fit in like you thought you would at school. The kids laugh and bully you, and all you come home too is to a stressed out mom popping pills and barely able to wake up because she's trying to do it all. I promise this has a happy ending and I'm not trying to be somber. Life starts to set in and. you wonder how things could get any better. You continue to dream and think maybe I'll be a nurse? a lawyer? Maybe I will be a stripper? Anything that I can do to make lots of money right, and slowly those dreams start to fade in the back of your mind as a distant memory and pretty soon you find yourself struggling to pay the bills, far from the life you dreamed for yourself and for your children if you have any. You wonder if you will ever begin to find that childlike faith again. You spend everywhere searching for it, but can't seem to find it. You've been told to grow up, be realistic, think practically, be politically correct, that doesn't line up with your religion; all the bullshit things people say to mask their own disappointment. I wanted to come on here to encourage you today to dream bigger then you ever have. Let your imagination run as wild as it can. Come up with the craziest ideas and write them down. When you get a clear vision run after it and don't stop running. I recently did a challenge with a well known Entrepeneur and he said as soon as you begin stepping out gravity is going to hit. Your family, your friends, are going to try and knock you down;  but that's when you know who its for you and who isn't. So let that inner Child loose. Grab ahold of those dreams that you have been putting on the back burner because someone said it would never work out out and let those words of disappointment go. You owe it to yourself to go out to into the World and change it for the better. keep that Spark and let that light shine. 
This article was published on 11.03.2021 by Ashley Wilkinson
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