What can you learn from a used car salesman?
When it comes to MLM most of us start by building a list... we add 100 or so names of people we know to a list. We then ask them all (or avoid some!) to take a look at our product or business, and guess what... most say no.... in fact many will even try to talk you out of it!
Then if we are really going for it, we decide that we will add to our list daily. We think of every work colleague we have ever met, we think of all our old school buddies.... we may even go bold and start cold prospecting... adding every single person within 3 feet on to your list.
And for ALL this effort... for most the answer is still NO!
And the biggest problem with this is that it will never duplicate. People are busy, they don't want to have the effort of contacting every person they ever meet onto a list.... and more importantly, most will never step out of their comfort zone to even try.
So what can you learn from a used car salesman?
Think about when does the sale actually start for our used car salesman?
Is it in the first impression he gives off? Is it in the first thing he says? Is it in the way he walks? Or maybe its in aftershave he is wearing?
Nope.... its the moment the prospect walks through the door. You see it's not the action of the salesman that starts the sale, but the action of the prospect. They choose to walk into the used car salesroom.
And by this very action they show that they are in the market to buy a used car.
You will never see a used car salesman in a supermarket car park trying to sell his cars. Why? Because no one is there to buy a used car, they are there for their groceries.
And this is why calling everyone you know and offering them your product or business doesn't work! It's like contacting all the wrong people!
So how can you contact all the right people?
Well check out this blog post on 7 powerful ways you can add thousands to your list!
Then decide to set up you as a professional and begin working with those who want what you have!
Check out www.recruitliketom.com for more helpful tips on building your network marketing business online!No comments yet