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Discover The Secrets For Recruiting Hundreds of Downlines On Complete Autopilot

The major challenge facing most Network Marketers is the inability to recruit downlines into their team. Newbies in the MLM industry usually face this particular challenge and when they can't get enough help, they quit and say stuffs like "Network Marketing Is Not My Thing".

Did you know you can recruit active members into your business even while you are asleep? Yes! You don't need to expend too much energy talking to your family members, friends and neighbors who probably won't join your business anyway; it's draining. 

In this article, I will tell you how I recruit people into my business on complete autopilot. If you have a Facebook account and Fanpage, then kudos! If you don't have an account you can create one and also create a Fan Page on the account. In order to recruit downlines effortlessly, you need a lead capture page that will help you get the email addresses of people who'd be interested in your business.

Let me break it down:

1. You need a landing page: Your landing page should warm up your prospects and hint them about your business. Your landing page should contain what I call "A Hook". Your hook should state the benefits of joining your business and it should also give your prospects a sense that Network Marketing is not as hard as it seems.

For example, if your company gives out cars, real estate, free trips etc. Your headline could be " 32 Year Old Graduate Reveals How to Make a Million In The Next 2 Months and Get a Brand New SUV Free". Do you understand?

If you are skilled in copy-writing, I'm sure you can find your way around this. If you are not, you can learn how to write your sales copy or hire someone to write it for you. Here's an example

2. You need a squeeze page: At the end of the landing page, you redirect to a squeeze page where your prospect needs to enter his/her details to get more information. 

3. You need an auto-responder: An auto-responder is a software that helps you schedule emails over time. You need to be good at writing catchy emails to make this work for you. You can write and schedule emails for 20 days, you only have to do this once.

4. Traffic: Having a good sales page wouldn't get you downlines if you don't advertise the page. For me, Facebook Ads work pretty well. You need to create a Facebook Fan Page that reflects your business. On the page, you can do a little write up about your business with a good picture, use the boost option to boost the post to a specific audience.

For example, you can set your ads to be visible to people in the United States or United Kingdom. You can target them by their age, gender, interests etc. Do you understand? If you get this right, you'd keep getting hundreds of downlines to your business every month.

I hope this helps. 

Victor Agina

P.S: Download a FREE copy of my boo titled " Effortless MLM Recruiting" here >>> the book is free for the next 4 days. Do download and give me a good review.

This article was published on 08.05.2017 by Iyk Victor
Author's business opportunity:

Swiss Golden - Gold, 80 USD to join

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