Your ministry deserves more...
If you're reading this it is because you have a gift to share with others and a ministry designed to bless many, many people. However your fundraising is not matching the magnitude of the funds needed. I'm going to say this again to truly help you see the point. Your FUND raiser is not sufficient for the funds needed. Keep reading to the end if you're ready for a long term solution with short term results. The key to all of this is travel, a industry everyone loves but few understand.
Your church/ temple or non-profit hosts conferences, concerts, conventions, convocations, etc. Where do people stay when they visit, where do you stay when you visit other places? You and your church need hotel rooms. Why shouldn't the church earn money from the commissions? No matter where you buy travel, someone is getting a commission. I strongly believe that the church must keep this in house to take some of the burden away.
How does all this work? The core of this business are referrals. The church points its congregation to their customized discount travel portal. The body gets a discount, and the church MAKES money. What the congregants save is what the church makes. IT'S win/Win and that is only tier one of the experience of this company.
You will also be able to host events and plan great church fundraisers utilizing your credentials as a travel agent. Past fundraisers include a Norwegian Cruise ( where every cabin books equals $75 in donations to the organization .) Then there are those missions trips to the holy land or places like Doctors Without Borders. Trips like this have produced over $10,000 and overall greatly expanded the reach of the Church.
That is still not it all the ways you and your ministry is can take things to the next level. I'm sure your church like many others have tons of people who are obsessed with airline and hotel stay points. When was the last time you bought groceries with those points, however the full package gives you points that you can use for free gift cards , free travel and free accommodations for you and the congregation. A member needs a flight home for a funeral, use the points. A guest speaker needs a hotel use those credits. This the means the church no longer has to worry about using their funds for many everyday expenses or times of mourning for other members.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, to learn more about this amazing resource and fund raising tool. Contact me with the subject "ministry ". The world has a storm brewing and now is the time to make you and your constituents financially free.
I look forward to helping you navigate the waters of this opportunity and truly taking things to the next level.
Check out this video presentation here for more info
Click here to get started at the level that makes the most sense to you.
Food for thought �
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