Hello everyone, i am laure , i want to talk about you in CROWD1 What does CROWD1 offer you?Â
Crowd1 offers you 4 packs :
-White 99€
-Black 300€
-Gold 1000€
-Titanium 3500€Â
Nb: prices based on bitcoin fluctuation on a price estimate for the four different packsÂ
joining CROWD1 is free but you must already be invited by a member atfer your membership you just need 2 people to trigger your bonuses.
  Nb: you sponsor the more you bonuses increaseÂ
Global MLM network has different bonusesÂ
  a) Direct bonus : CROWD1 make you 10 percent of the business volume calculated in your left and right side.
b) Matching bonus
 CROWD1 pay you 10% on the dowline earnings and the depth depends on your direct sponsorshipÂ
*Level 1 10% for 4 sponsor
* Level2 20% for 8 sponsor
* Level 3 30% for 12 sponsor
* Level 4 40% of 16 sponsorÂ
*Level 5 50% for 20 sponsor
Nb : 80% of direct and matching bonuses reserved for you in your belance is 20% in the title dead action.L
 This bonus is calculated every wednesday according to three criteriaÂ
- The part buy
-Direct sponsorship
   Bonus goes from 7,5€ to 1000€ per week throughout the life of the business depending on whether the criteria are met
rewards your efforts and sets you a challenge of 14 days from the date of membership to come.
*125€ of 4 sponsors in white pack
*376€ of 4 sponsor is black pack
* 1000€ if 4 sponsor in gold pack
* 3000€ if 4 sponsor in titanium pack
 Nb : if you make four identical packs two by you will be paid on the small share
d) Residual affiliation bonusÂ
 CROWD1 and it's partners share their activities in proportion to be shares you hold #
 Reward bonusÂ
 CROWD1 and his patners invite you on a VIP to LAS VEGAS to the gaming realm when you reach level 8
Terms and conditions of CROWD1 : here is the number of owner right according to the sharesÂ
* 99€ = 200 owner right
*299€= 600 owner right
*799€ = 2000 owner right
*2499€=7000 owner right
  To these actions will be added the actioms given as a bonus of 2,5€ given by the company each week for thise who do not want to sponsorÂ
 For those who sponsor has a bonus increase ranging from 10€ to 1000€ per weekÂ
With CROWD1 financial impossibility becomes possibles simply by being a shareholder.Â
 Join us
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