Support Brave browser
➡ ️ What is Basic Attention Token or Brave exactly?
The following example:
There are users (readers), publishers (BLOGS, websites, etc.) and Google. Google gets money from the publishers who have placed an ad on Google Ads so you'll be aware of the publisher's content or products.
Many users use Adblocker and thus prevent publishers' revenue.
The publishers of course try to take action and say: Hey wait, if you use an adblocker, you will not see my content.
Bra ️ The Brave Browser wants to solve the problem. How does he do that?
All ads and trackers are automatically blocked by the browser, so actually comparable to aconventional adblocker. But Brave now rewards publishers websites and blogs in the form of the BATs.
The Brave Browser measures anonymous on which website how much time is spent and then staggered the Basic Attention Tokens as payment to those who can shine with good content so a long residence time of users.
The clear advantages are on the one hand for the user then an ad-free Internet use and for the publishers a monetization of their web appearance.
Your donation budget, ie what you would like to donate for an ad-free Internet use in the month is up to you alone. from 0 to infinity is everything in it ?
You can easily set that in the settings.
➡ ️ Usecase?
Yes, the Basic Attention Token is mandatory as a means of payment.
➡ ️ Functioning product?
Yes, the Bravebrowser is published and works perfectly. You have an ad-free time and see on the start screen how much time you have already saved by the blocked Ads.
So far I could not find appreciable disadvantages to Mozilla Firefox or the Google Chrome Browser from the browser usage. If you would like to try out the browser you can use my link (is an affiliate link,cost you nothing and donate a little something ? ) And download and use the browser for free.
➡ ️ team
Brendan Eich
Founder, Vision, Strategy
Created JavaScript. Co-founded Mozilla & Firefox
Brian Bondy
Co-Founder, Browser Engineering Lead
Previously: Khan Academy, Mozilla, Evernot
➡ ️ Partnerships?
Dow Jones Media Group
➡ ️ USP?
So far I have not been able to find a comparable competition. The team is more than top-notch for the project.
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