Consumer Empowerment Opportunity
I am in Vestige and looking to enroll people who are interested in part-time income with 0 rupee investment. Are you searching for an opportunity that can fulfill your dreams and give you an extra income, a work that can make you financially free ,you need more spare time to spend with your family, you ever thought of personality development, do you want to help others, you are a consumer and you will remain a consumer all through your life. Vestige Empowers you to be a smart consumer here your expenses turns into your investment, the product you purchase from market comes through various chains lets discuss it in some detail take example of hair oil you bought last time you first saw an advertisement and that might fascinated and inspired you to buy that product now the hair oil you have purchased came through a large chain that includes manufacturer, C&F agent, distributor, wholesaler and then it reaches to market now all these middle man has a commisson so in a way till now we were just filling the pokects of these middle men from the money which we earn with lots of hard work but with Vestige this is possible to remove these middle man and you can become a smart consumer & there is no guarantee of the authenticity of a product you buy from a local shop, no bill is given, no offers are given if you regularly purchase your products from same shop, no referral bonus. here at vestige you can avail all above benefits which you have been deprived off. another thing is that market is continuesly changing there is been a boom in E-commerce nowdays and here an opportunity for you to be a part of vestige business that can change your life its just that how much willing you are to accept the change that is happening in the market. Vesting has been running in India for last 16 years and also started its operation in 8 countries. Vestige is a product based company it includes health food like Rice-Bran Oil, Gano coffee, Tea Home Care includes laundry washing products, oral care includes toothpaste, toothbrush. Hair includes Shampoo, Conditioners, Mens grooming include facewash, hair cream, deo personal care includes Soap, Shaving cream, Face Scrub, BB cream, Anti-ageing night cream, Sanitary napkins. For more info Visit :-, visit facebook profile
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