Enrolling New Team Members on Facebook in 2021
Tell me if this has happened to you before:
You make a post talking about your business. The response? Crickets.
You directly message someone talking about your business. The response? No... or crickets.
You make an announcement in regards to a new product or product line launch. The response? Still crickets.
We've all been there. And it can be incredibly discouraging when it feels like speaking to a full auditorium but everyone has their earplugs on and staring at their phone.
But the truth is when it comes to social media specifically Facebook, that's how most people practically operate anyways.
It's an absolute scroll-fest with the occasional stop at a funny cat video.
Facebook is and always has been a place where people go to be entertained.
They literally do not and could not care less about anything business related when it comes down to content.
So how exactly do networkers still pull off 6 figure years in their business using literally nothing than their Facebook profile?
This free 5 part video series hosted by our 6-figure earner will answer exactly that question.
But I'll give you a few hints if you were didn't click that link...
-She didn't brand herself around her company. As a matter of fact, nobody knew about what business opportunity she was even a part of.
-She was a product of the product. She didn't shove products down people's throats to go buy. She instead showcased what the products were doing for her and what they can do for people who try them.
-She was big on lifestyle. And she showed people what her life was like when she made a decision to take a leap of faith in creating the laptop lifestyle.
If you sum this up, she posted things that either entertained people or showed a particular result that they wanted for themselves.
This is ultimately the goal that you want to achieve for people that see your posts.
Facebook can absolutely work for you in your mission to recruit more people and acquire more customers.
But it's going to require a completely different approach to how you convey your message to people.
To get full details on how exactly this person was able to create a 6 figure/year income using only her personal Facebook profile:
You can click here for the free 5-part video series breaking it all down.
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