You Need to STOP Doing This As An Affiliate/Networker...
If your business has a focus on recruiting other affiliates into your networking business, then there's a few things that need to be erased from your list of tactics if you have or currently do use them now.
1) Cold Calling Prospects: If you're looking for the most resistance when it comes to doing business, look no further than cold calling. First off, these people you come into contact with have absolutely no clue who you are. They've no idea what you represent, your intentions or why you've even called them in the first place. You might as well be clumped in with the telemarketer population, and we all know how unwanted that is for them to even contact our phone in the first place.
2) Spamming affiliate links: This is probably the most egregious of tactics as this reeks of smelling like an amateur. Yet this is something you see all over the place whether it be on social media, email and other platforms.
While making sales is a goal for marketers, if people get the vibe from you that that's your only goal, they'll run the other direction with no hesitation. And nothing screams "please buy from me" more than spamming links on pages, posts and messaging tools.
3) Bugging Friends and Family: There's a good saying when it comes to this: "Your friends and family trust you as a person but don't respect you as a marketer."
Or better meaning you may be close to them on a personal level and they may wish you the best in your marketing efforts, but don't believe in what you do in the back of their minds. This is the easiest way to alienate yourself from your existing warm list. And once you've exhausted your warm list, where exactly do you have left to go in your business to connect with?
4) Mistaking "bought leads" for "actual leads"
If you purchase leads in your business, there's one huge misconception when it comes this: Just because you bought leads from a lead source DOES NOT mean they are actual leads on your list. Unless you have any point of reference where these people saw a video of you, have your own custom message or some sort of exposure from you, these bought leads are only data.
Just like cold calling, these people have no idea who you are or your intentions for messaging them. Yeah, they opted into a form saying "they're interested in a networking/affiliate business opportunity" but:
1) It's not a form of your own
2) there's zero guarantee your business even generates any interest as a "networking or affiliate business opportunity" can mean a multitude of things outside of your niche and even an MLM in general.
So with these things in mind of what not to do, what should we actually be doing?
For starters we need to embrace a newer age of marketing and marketing tactics. And it starts off with parting with all of the tactics stated earlier. Instead we need actual systems that create value as well as solutions for the people that need it the most.
And let's face it, most affiliates and networkers in this space simply don't have that. That is until today.
What I'm going to be sharing with you is a brand new system that my mentor used to actually enroll 934 people into his network marketing business and transformed his income to a 6-figure creating machine.
Introducing the Perpetual Enrollment Machine or PEM for short.
A quick summary of PEM:
PEM is a revolutionary way of providing other networkers and affiliates with new tools and systems on growing their existing businesses while giving you the ability to offer your primary business on top of that.
Additionally, these tools and systems you promote will earn you additional residual income streams when people use the tools you've shared with them.
In short, even if people say no to your primary business but use the PEM system, you're still generating passive income for yourself.
And yes this is absolutely something you must share with your existing sales team to create the snowball effect you want in your business.
- No more cold calling prospects
- No more link spamming
- No more bugging friends and family
- No more wasting time with unqualified leads
PEM is NOT a business opportunity. This is simply a system used to create the least resistance between you and your leads. As well as a tool to not only share with your team, but a way to add multiple existing income streams on top of the income you get from your primary business.
So with that being said friends, you've only 2 options:
1) Repeat the same marketing tactics from the same marketing playbook
2) Adopt a brand new system that puts you as the authority, establishes solutions that many other marketers desperately need and unlocks new revenue streams for your business.
The choice is clear and it starts with grabbing your PEM system by clicking here.
Cheers to your future success.