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Permission Based Marketing

In today's work environment , it is necessary to obtain permission from the prospect prior to sending the information by either email, text or a site over the phone.

One of the steps for getting started is to acquire leads. One of the sources that I use is search engines. I use the inexpensive leads as it is going to take a large amount of calls to produce the desired results. I have not had very good results with guaranteed signups, have you?

The cheap leads are easy to budget and I find the process of calling seems to be the same regardless of the age of the leads. I get some disconnects, some wrong numbers, some who say they were never interested like they are rejecting you ,. (Maybe someone entered their name and information?) If they tell you “No”. Try not to let it make you feel like they are rejecting you personally. Maybe they are just not motivated by the project or the timing is wrong? Sometimes if they seem if they are rushed, I will ask if it would be better if I call back another time or day. I just politely say 'Thank you for your time, have a nice day and hang up.

Working on your script is the next step. Some companies have one premade. Telling people how you got their number seems to answer the first question of “How did you get my number?” I will usually tell them that I have a list of people who , at one time, were interested in a home based business. Most of them seem satisfied with the answer. Some request to be removed from your list, it is a good idea to check additional list you have against the list to attempt to avoid a second call. I try not to respond to a negative reply with a negative attitude

On a phone contact , I use a survey approach, example : Jim I found your name on a list of people who had expressed an interest in a home based business, are you still interested ?” If he says “No” for me, the call ends there with 'Have a nice day' and hang up. If they say What is it about; , I offer to send them the information.

It is good to set weekly and monthly goals of how many calls you plan to make per day.. on a busy day , I still try for at least 5-10 calls. If you are consistent, by weeks end you will have made 25 to 50 calls during the week. A call ratio of 50 per week gives you 200 calls for the month.

I would appreciate your input ,please feel free to contact me and let me know your thoughts.

The following is a permission based email that I send, once I get a “Yes”


Welcome to permission based marketing. If you are interested in the information you may click the link, copy and paste the link or send me an email.

Would you be interested in learning about a medical sharing program ? Please send an email stating ‘Kerry please send me the Medical sharing information’ to .

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United States, US Virgin Islands, Japan, Canada, Australia, Bahamas, Bermuda, Brazil, Columbia, Crete, Dominica, France,

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Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Uganda, South Korea and the United Kingdom

*These were current in July 2022

Best wishes.


This article was published on 14.07.2022 by Kerry Smallwood
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