I feel that storytelling is a talent, a creative gift. We all have a story to tell. You may ask, “What story do I have to tell?” Well, that is what I asked myself this morning.
This morning, I went to my meditation group, as I do on most Sunday mornings when I’m not sleeping in. I knew we were going to share our stories in groups, so my hands were already sweating, from “stage fright”. I didn’t have any idea what story I was going to share. I kept reassuring myself that if I just spoke from my heart, that I would be okay.
Beforehand, our leader shared a story that made me feel more at ease. I’d like to share it with you. The essence was that she had shared a story about her life with her son. She was touched when her son responded, “Thanks because you gave me time”. What did he mean by that? She said that he was grateful because she had saved him the agony of having to go through the same life lesson. Her story touched me; that is why I am sharing it with you.
When we have “stage fright” or feel vulnerable in speaking our truth, maybe this story can guide us. It made me feel like it was worth telling my story because maybe it would help someone; not having to go through the same painful experience. I was ready to tell my story. Now, I’ll share it with you!
As you know, I grew up on a mission. Being the oldest, I was expected to be a good example to my younger brother and sister. I felt like I was expected to be a good example to the whole world!
My Mom told me she had “eyes in the back of her head” and knew everything I did. If I was “disobedient”, Mom would tell Dad. When he got home, I would get a severe punishment with his leather belt. I would cry a lot until I said: “I’m sorry”.
The part of this story that I want you to remember is the life lesson that I learned from my experience. Maybe I could “save you some time”. My life journey has been mostly about not judging myself when I make a mistake. The life lesson I am still learning is to accept myself the way I am. This is a life lesson can be of value to many of us as we learn to connect with ourselves and others in an accepting way.
I feel that we are placed on our planet Earth for a reason. We all have a life purpose to be here. We each have a unique life journey and lessons along the way to guide us towards our full potential.
In telling our stories, we discover who we really are, what our purpose is here on Earth, and how we can add value to the lives of others. As each of us tells our story, we can “save each other some time”. After all, we are all in this together, aren’t we?
I invite you to follow my blog as we discover how I can add value to your life and the life of others. In turn, I would love to hear your story and gain insights from your experiences.
Especially now during the coronavirus crisis, I feel that we have so much to learn from each other. Many people are feeling anxious and depressed because of all the bad news about the coronavirus pandemic.
As business leaders, we are in a unique position to reach out to others and offer them the skills they may not have to start their own home business or learn the technical skills they need to grow their business online.
Right now, I find myself in the unique position of coaching business owners who need more digital marketing skills to grow their business online. If you have your own home business and would like to gain more digital marketing skills, I am here for you!
If you would like to Book a Call with me to review your business marketing needs, go ahead and Click on my Calendar to pick a time that works for you:
As an MLM Gateway colleague, I would be happy to talk with you and see if I can be of service to you in your business.
To Your Success and Wealth,
Sharman Hankins
Digital Marketing Coach
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