Get In EARLY On The Platform That Helps Heal The World!
I have been a part of this community since April 2020. At that time, the community, We Share Abundance had just been rolled out in pre-launch in March. It is still in pre-launch, too.
Well what's so special about We Share Abundance?
This platform is different from any other in a few ways. The biggest way is that it is founded on the four pillars of Peace, Hope, Harmony, and Love. These basic pillars are foundational principles are based on God's teachings. But don't worry, We Share is not a religious teaching platform, although it does expect it's members to abide by its four pillars. In doing so, the members will abide by its rules and if they log in daily and read a few emails (which takes less than 8 minutes each day), they will be rewarded with the currency of the group, the WESA token, which is currently traded on the crypto exchanges.
What does We Share Abundance DO? As a community, We Share Abundance aims to stamp out stamp out poverty worldwide. This global platform does more than make aimless claims and wishes with no arm to back them up. No! We Share actually goes into the very communities of some of its members and helps to make those communities better by
Taking orphans to Theme Parks like Disneyland
Providing clean water where it is lacked
Bringing agriculture and education to areas of famine
Repopulating our green space (trees) to help our earth and its inhabitants
This community spends a small amount of its resources healing the world!
How can you help?
Become a part of the community. It's a global opportunity that empowers its members to succeed. You can join for free and remain a free member and get free money by just logging in daily (and refer others to do the same) and reading emails and doing other tasks or you can deposit $125 into the community once and get more money (than free members) for just logging in daily and reading those same emails. The community members will also be asked to contribute in other ways, if they so choose, to help further the mission of the group, to eradicate poverty on a global scale!
Want to become a part of the first ever of its kind community? Although ANYONE from ANYWHERE can join, there is only one member allowed per household. First input your information here and open and read the emails sent to get information on how to contribute in a bigger way to the platform. Next, sign up under the link provided in the emails and set up your account. When you take the 10 minutes or so that it takes to set up your account, $2 USD will deposited into your account. Then, based on your level of participation, you will receive more deposited into your account daily when you read the emails. Right now, this is the primary task, but more tasks will be available as the platform gets more well known and time goes on.
Please share this with anyone who shares the principles of Peace, Hope, Harmony, and Love and wants to stamp out poverty on a global scale if you do not wish to join (if you do wish to join, then share with your friends and others AFTER you create your account and under your own link). Again, you can start the process by filling out the form here: id=55302
I look forward to more positive people helping our caring community to grow and succeed!
Thanks for your participation!
Champion Jacobs
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