The Architect of Bitcoin -documentary movie, funding program
We are making the english spoken, international, very high quality, and the most amazing documentary movie, ever made, called:
The Architect of Bitcoin
... you can read more about our movie project from:
We want to tell a Satoshi Nakamoto's story, as a tribute to him and his team. We want to bring up the key persons, who were involved in creating the Bitcoin. We want to find out about their feelings and memories., from those years. We also tell what kind of legacy Satoshi has left for us, since it was creating the whole new kind of industry, which was born by following Satoshi's foot steps. We also bring up the out come from the many perspectives and we observe what kind of future this block chain technology will bring for us.
This movie will be our master piece!!
You can support us with our sponsoring pool shares. All sponsors will share 65% of the future revenue!!
Our minimum goal is to achieve at least 30 million US$ revenue in 5 years.
Production budget is estimated to be 2 million US$ This will guarantee that we can give the audience the best possible documentary movie experience.
Learn more about our unique funding program, Sponsoring pool shares, from our website!
You can also donate us in Bitcoins!! :D The more support we can have, the better movie we can make!
Thank you for your support!! .
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